
Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG)



Jari Liski

Pieta Jarva

Kaj Granholm

Elisa Vainio

Layla Höckerstedt


Helsinki | Finland


Field Observatory

Field Observatory illustrates the effects of carbon farming on Finnish farms, and the development of an international carbon sequestration verification system.


The data of the Field Observatory comes directly from many intensive research sites operated by Finnish research organizations and from Advanced Carbon Action (ACA) farms, operated by private farmers.  In all sites, landowners and/or landmanagers are involved in the Carbon Action research. In addition, online data comes from one Swedish pilot farm (Svensk Kolinlagring), one ICOS site in Belgium, and from multiple sites operated by collaborating companies (Lantmännen and Valio).

The data is collected both manually and with continuous online measurements. Annual soil samples have been collected from each ACA farm since 2019 and analysed in laboratory. These are supplemented by field measurements of soil structure and vegetation. Soil moisture, temperature and salinity data are measured online (hourly data) in all study sites. In the intensive study sites, e.g. Ruukki and Qvidja, there are online eddy covariance measurements of CO2, water and energy fluxes.

In addition, the Field Observatory utilizes the open weather data of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, sentinel-2 data for Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) for Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR).

The data in the Field Observatory is used in carbon cycling modeling.

Carbon Farming practices

Different carbon farming practices are tested in parallel with control plots in the Carbon Action farms. Each practice is tested at three to five farms to get experience from different farmers, soil types and locations. The practices in use include cover crops, organic soil amendments, subsoiling, ley farming, and adaptive grazing.

Carbon Action

In the Carbon Action platform, scientists, farmers and companies work together to enhance carbon storing through regenerative farming practices. Carbon Action includes in total over 100 pilot farms to test different practices, around 40 research projects, and 14 companies.

The team

The partners developing the Field Observatory are the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), in collaboration with the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) from the University of Helsinki.

Carbon Action platform is coordinated by BSAG, while FMI is responsible for coordinating the research.


Field Observatory: https://www.fieldobservatory.org/index.php/home/

Carbon Action: https://www.bsag.fi/en/carbon-action-en/




Presentation about Carbon Action MRV work and Field Observatory by senior research scientist Istem Fer (FMI) in the 4per1000 Northern Europe regional meeting in Helsinki 2023:

Meet the team

During the indicated periods, one of the team members is available for a video chat.

Stand NoTime zone+/-UTC


Start local time (hh:mm)

Duration (hh:mm)Attendant

Video chat link





Elisa Vainio | elisa.vainio@bsag.fi

Layla Höckerstedt | layla.hockerstedt@fmi.fi




  1. Hi Laura, i just saw, that you already put in all the information! Perfect! Sounds very intressting!

    1. Thank you. Will the 'topic' be updated also to the map and to page were all the Stands are presented? That would be great. Only 'Field Observatory' does not say much, for that reason the longer title is better. The time: The other stands do not have times selected yet. So if we start and choose from the 4th of May already?

      1. Hi Laura Höijer , yes, now it should be displayed at the map and at the overview page as well. You can also decide on later/other timeslots at a later time.

        One question: While registering you put in 3 other teammembers. If you could send  their email adresses, we can also send them their usernames for the platform.

        Best wishes


  2. jari.liski@fmi.fi; pieta.jarva@bsag.fi: asa.stam@fmi.fi 

    Thank you! And we will think about other timeslots also. Is 60 minutes good time? 



  3. Thank you Laura! Yes, we think 60minutes is good time!

  4. Anonymous

    Hi all, 

    We just wanted to make you aware of our activities at the stand 114 (0114 - Adaptación al cambio climático de la agricultura de secano mediterránea: su contribución a la contaminación cero). We are presenting today our mobile VR app LIFE AMDRYC4. It is available for IOS and ANDROID (https://apkpure.com/es/life-amdryc4/com.UMU.LIFEAMDRYC4 or https://apps.apple.com/es/app/life-amdryc4/id1540739695) and you can also play through the web application at our official site (http://lifeamdryc4.eu/aplicacion/). The application is available in 5 languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English) and allows you to simulate the effects of agricultural practices on the soil productivity, and CO2 emissions. We would love to have your feedback on this and we are happy to answer any question you may have about the LIFE AMDRYC4 project.

    Maria Jose Martinez (Research Coordinator), Carmen Perez Sirvent (Research Coordinator), Manuel Hernandez Perez (VideoGame Designer and Project Manager). 

  5. Thank you for sharing with everyone the work you are doing with carbon farming in Finland. I would like to invite you to visit our Stand 19 - Agripower Australia, to learn about the benefits that silicon fertiliser has for conservation agriculture, soil and plant health, and carbon sequestration. Please leave a message for us if you would like to meet and talk more! www.agripower.com.au