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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: 0050 - Analysing Effect of cement manufacturing industry and industry dust for soils and agricultural plants. Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0051 - Indice de Régénération (outil d'évaluation agroécologique) Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0052 - Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions in South-East Asia Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0054 - Tools to estimate SOC and net GHG balance Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0055 - Sustainable soil management in extensive cash crop production. Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils  Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0056 - Soil and Circular Economy Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0058 - Synergy Opportunities for Soil Health in Malawi Samuel Ottnad Jun 13, 2024
Page: 0059 - Regeneration of Nature through Income Generation for Local Communities in Malawi Samuel Ottnad Jun 13, 2024
Page: 0063 - Generate Carbon Credits at scale from soil using Satellites and AI Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0064 - Green Shoots Foundation: Agroecology Marc Bernard Jun 13, 2022
Page: 0065 - SIREnFi (Sistema Integral de Recupero de Envases Fitosanitarios) Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0066 - Protection de l’environnement et l’amélioration des conditions de vie des élèves et de la communauté Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0067 - Benefits Of Agroforestry To Soil, Soul And Society Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0069 - Restauration des sols et de la multifonctionnalité des paysages forestiers dégradés de Côte d’Ivoire (TERRI4SOL) Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0070 - Partager les connaissances sur la séquestration du carbone dans les sols d'outre-mer Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0071 - Organic, regenerative agroforestry for food security/carbon sequestration & avoidance/improved livelihoods Daniel Sossou Jul 01, 2022
Page: 0073 - Carbone des sols pour une agriculture durable en Afrique Daniel Sossou Jun 13, 2022
Page: 0074 - Soil Environmental Accounting Samuel Ottnad Jul 02, 2024
Page: 0075 - We Regenerate Rainforests Samuel Ottnad May 27, 2022
Page: 0076 - Regenerative agriculture Holistic Land Management for Climate Change adaptation and Soil Health Daniel Sossou Jun 13, 2022
Page: 0078 - The Vitirover solution replace Glyphosate and plowing byfleets of solar industrial mower-robots, replacing artificialised plots by carbon sinks Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0082 - Stocker du carbone en augmentant la fertilité biologique des sols Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0083 - Soil pattern recognition with a combination of satellite data and sampling Marc Bernard May 09, 2022
Page: 0084 - Food and Agriculture as a System Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0085 - Natural Solutions for Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture Marc Bernard May 09, 2022
Page: 0086 - Soil carbon sequestration programme, green finance and access to carbon markets Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0088 - Agrobiodiversity, Circular Economy, Agroecology Marc Bernard May 09, 2022
Page: 0089 - Global Regeneration - The Power of Coming Together - Sharing science, stories, and successes Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
Page: 0090 - Humus economy Daniel Sossou Jun 13, 2022
Page: 0091 - Off-grid sustainable and ecological agriculture: improving soil health, reducing landfill, minimising carbon footprint, using claimed materials and innovation hub Daniel Sossou May 12, 2022
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