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Join Task Forces to be part of projects contributing to the implementation of the "4 per 1000" strategy

We are currently in the process of organizing the Task Forces. Based on the Implementation Strategy, the Task Forces will prioritize and form partnerships and alliances to develop concepts for projects that contribute to our vision and help achieve the 2030 and 2050 goals and targets. Concept proposals are investment opportunities and will be presented to funders for support. Depending on feedback, the partnerships and alliances will then develop and submit full project proposals according to investor guidelines. 

Please view the Strategy Implementation Cycle - SIC for a detailed description of the mechanisms to promote projects.

How to join a Task Force

Step 1 - Study the list of objectives below and select those you are interested in and for which you would like to carry out projects.

Step 2 - Make sure you are logged in to view and complete the Task Force Joining Forms. Click on the login icon in the top right corner to log in. If you do not have a login yet, but your organization is a member of 4p1000, contact to get your login. If your organization is not a member of 4p1000, you can become a member of the 4p1000 Community of Practice to get your login.

Step 3 - Click on the "Join Task Force XY" button to access the corresponding registration form under the desired goal. Fill it out and click "Submit" to join. You can join a task force as a "Task Force Leader," "Regional Representative," or "Team Member." Decide which role best suits you. Only individuals from an organization that is a partner of "4 per 1000" can be designated as a "Task Force Leader" or "Regional Representative." Non-members of "4 per 1000" can only join a task force as "team members," but they are welcome!

Task Force Leader:

  • Respond to the subsequent call for information explaining why they qualify to take the lead
  • Participate in the Task Force Leader Meetings to define and improve the SIC modalities and report on progress. Meetings are organized three times a year. 
  • Organize a Task Force Planning Meeting with Regional Representatives (TFRR) to work out an approach and share responsibilities
  • Exchange with Task Force Members and compile information about relevant literature, ongoing activities, and sponsors
  • Organize Task Force Meetings to analyze gaps, generate project ideas, and form Project Teams
  • Liaise with funding bodies to lobby for support for projects and actions

Regional Representatives:

  • Respond to the call for information explaining why they qualify to represent the region
  • Contribute to the Task Force Planning Meeting
  • Exchange with Task Force Members in their region and compile information about relevant literature, ongoing activities, and sponsors
  • Contribute to the organization of Task Force meetings to analyze gaps, generate project ideas, and form Project Teams
  • Liaise with funding bodies in their region to lobby for support for projects and actions

Team Member: 

  • Provide information on relevant literature, ongoing actions, and projects
  • Participate in Task Force Meetings to generate project ideas and engage in Projects Teams
  • Contribute to the conception of projects and actions
  • Contribute to the search for funding and the development of project proposals

The Executive Secretariat of "4 per 1000" will facilitate a consultative process for the final selection and nomination of the Leader and Regional Representatives.


Facilitate the inception and conceptualization of policies, instruments, and mechanisms that support stakeholders' capacity to implement the Initiative

Objective A1 - NDC

NDCsEnsure Soil Health (SH) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) are vital components of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)All UNFCCC parties include SH and SOC in their NDCs and consider both in their national agriculture, forestry, and land use plans and programs.

Targets A1 - NDC

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
In 2019, out of 196 countries' NDCs, only 28 specified SOC, peatland, or wetland targets, policies, or measures.All countries that are members and partners of the "4 per 1000" Initiative include quantitative targets for SH and SOC in their NDCs and related documents and reference them in their national plans and programs for agriculture, forestry, and land use.All UNFCCC Parties include quantitative targets for SH and SOC in their NDCs and related documents and reference them in their national plans and programs for agriculture, forestry, and land use.

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Objective A2 - Project Development

Project DevelopmentSupport the development and implementation of numerous innovative projects on Soil Health (SH) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)Innovative on-the-ground projects, which focus on SH and SOC and are consistent with the "4 per 1000" vision as well as with the set of criteria and indicators for formative project evaluation developed by the STC, are encouraged, facilitated, and funded.

Targets A2 - Project Development

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

A call for projects was introduced.

5 to 10 high-quality projects were evaluated as being in line with the "4 per 1000" vision and the STC's set of criteria and indicators.

International mechanisms which fund projects focusing on SH and climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration (including local and small-scale projects) are established and operate based on a harmonized system for project development, monitoring, and evaluation.

The "4 per 1000" call-for-projects and the scientific-technical advice support at least 30 projects a year in the acquisition of funding and the alignment with the Initiative's vision, based on the "4 per 1000" reference criteria and indicators for formative project assessment.

All partner countries and organizations of the "4 per 1000" initiative implement projects on the ground that contribute to the realization of the "4 per 1000" vision and the reference criteria and indicators of the international mechanism established in 2030.

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Objective A3 - Share Experiences

Share ExperiencesFacilitate an active multi-stakeholder exchange on innovations and success stories.Relevant ideas, innovations, and success stories (bottom-up and top-down approaches) from the "4 per 1000" stakeholders are compiled, communicated globally, discussed, and considered.

Targets A3 - Share Experiences

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2030

Success stories are shared via newsletters, during the annual Forum of partners, and during events of the Climate-Soil Community of Practice (CoP).

5 thematic events per year

A virtual fair involving 50% of the partners

10 thematic events per year

A virtual fair involving all partners

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Objective A4 - Stakeholder Interaction


Stakeholder Interaction

Facilitate a regional stakeholder exchange to initiate evidence-based transformative programs for on-the-ground action

Regional stakeholders meet and interact to build evidence-based programs for on-the-ground action, emphasizing the dialogue between policymakers and scientists.

Targets A4 - Stakeholder Interaction

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

One global and 1 to 2 regional (online) annual meetings with respective outcome reports.

1 (online) meeting per year in each region following a long-term concept with collaborative activities between the meetings

3-5 (online) meetings per year in each region following a long-term concept with collaborative activities between the meetings

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Objective A5 - Carbon markets

Carbon marketsImprove the transparency, accessibility, and configuration of carbon market mechanismsThe best carbon market mechanisms and offsets for soil carbon sequestration are screened, compiled, and shared to contribute to their further improvement, transparency, and accessibility.

Targets A5 - Carbon markets

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Qualitative data on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), carbon markets, and compensation schemes in agriculture and forestry have been compiled and are freely accessible.

The "4 per 1000"-Initiative has identified 3 to 5 commendable compensation schemes and shares them among the network through the collaborative platform and the Initiative's website.

3 to 5 alternative economic instruments providing a real financial incentive that drives the transformation towards agroecology have been explored and/or developed.

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Objective A6 - Conceptual Framework


Conceptual Framework

Develop a conceptual framework illustrating the interrelations between the driving factors of Soil Health (SH), Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), and carbon balance in Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) systems

A scientific conceptual framework that illustrates the interrelations between the main driving factors, including socioeconomic aspects, for SH, SOC, and, ultimately, a positive carbon balance in Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) systems has been developed with research programs, international scientific cooperation and the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC).

Targets A6 - Conceptual Framework

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

A multi-stakeholder discussion was started.

Contribution to CIRCASA project and inception of the IRC.

A scientific conceptual framework has been elaborated and is used for internal and external communication and decision-making.The scientific conceptual framework has been updated and is used for internal and external communication and decision-making.

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Enhance the enabling environment for large-scale implementation of the Initiative on the ground

Objective B1 - Investment Plans


Investment Plans

Encourage the development and implementation of investment plans reflecting the targets set out in the NDCs

National and supranational strategies (including incentive and regulatory mechanisms) and responsible investment plans for Soil Health (SH) derived from the targets set in the NDCs are developed and implemented.

Targets B1 - Investment Plans

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Inventory of strategies and investments plans
All country members and partners of the "4 per 1000" initiative include SH and soil organic carbon as quantitative targets in their investment plans and related documents and refer to them in their national agriculture, forestry, and land use plans and programs.All UNFCCC country parties include SH and soil organic carbon as quantitative targets in their investment plans and related documents and refer to them in their national agriculture, forestry, and land use plans and programs.

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Objective B2 - Technology Database

Technology DatabaseProvide an easily accessible database of good practices for Soil Health (SH) to practitionersA technology database allows land managers to quickly access information and build capacity to improve Soil Health (SH) and increase Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) for all agro-pedo-climatic regions.

Targets B2 - Technology Database

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Presently, the "4 per 1000" Initiative does not provide access to databases with relevant content, and existing databases on good agricultural practices do not systematically indicate the potential impact on SH and climate.An advanced and updated database is available for SOC and SH improvement in two other regions. Reviews and assessments are conducted every year.An advanced and updated database related to SOC and SH improvement is delivered globally.

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Objective B3 - GAFOLUP Helpdesk


GAFOLUP Helpdesk

Develop and implement a decentralized helpdesk providing advice for the successful adoption of Good Agricultural, Forestry, and Other Land Use Practices (GAFOLUP)Science-based regional helpdesks for (a) planning local Good Agricultural, Forestry, and Other Land Use Practices (GAFOLUP) policies, (b) establishing and applying carbon sequestration compensation schemes, and (c) promotion of actions at appropriate levels following the principle of subsidiarity and fostering ecosystem services are developed and implemented.

Targets B3 - GAFOLUP Helpdesk

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

No helpdesk is active.

The helpdesk is active in 5 regions.

The helpdesk is globally active, with more countries and sub-regions involved.

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Objective B4 - MRV Tools

MRV ToolsProvide tools for Monitoring, Reporting & Verification of Soil Health (SH) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) to practitionersAn updated and improved, global, user-friendly MRV (Monitoring, Reporting & Verification) toolkit on SH and SOC, providing, i.a., tools for cost-benefit analysis, evaluation, monitoring, and decision support systems is available and freely accessible online.

Targets B4 - MRV Tools

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Existing tools and experts on MRV have been identified and are active in the 4p1000 network.Existing MRV tool kits have comparable and clearly defined outputs available on the electronic platform.The MRV toolkit provides an important foundation for the development and application of a dynamic and ecosystem-based diagnosis of SH.

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Advocate and raise awareness to foster a commitment to the Initiative's vision by all stakeholders

Objective C1 - Advocacy & Awareness

Advocacy & AwarenessIncrease the awareness of all stakeholders regarding the decisive role of Soil Health (SH) in tackling climate change and improving food securityDecision-makers and the general public are aware of the interdependence between soil, climate, and food security and recognize the central role of the "4 per 1000" Initiative as a driver for change.

Targets C1 - Advocacy & Awareness

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Sporadic events target the public on the importance of soils for climate and food security. There is a significant presence on social media, and a simple Public Relations (PR) Kit is available.

Information and education materials (PR kits, etc.) on the importance of soils for climate and food security are available in the 5 UN languages on the "4 per 1000" electronic platform and website. The "4 per 1000" network conducts at least ten awareness-raising events, targeting decision-makers and the general public every year.

The "4 per 1000" network conducts at least 50 awareness-raising events per year, targeting decision-makers and the general public (policymakers, public, schools, farmers, land planners, and other stakeholders and influencers).

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Objective C2 - Urge Soil Regeneration

Urge Soil RegenerationEnsure that production is based on the principles of agroecologyValue chain actors in agriculture and forestry and land managers have undergone a paradigm shift from "exploitation of soils" to "regeneration of soils" and have adopted the science-based principles of agroecology and sustainable land management.

Targets C2 - Urge Soil Regeneration

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Adoption rates of agroecology are insignificant. Products from agroecology play an insignificant role in global food supply chains. The soil exploitation paradigm prevails as a principle for land management.50% of value chain actors in agriculture and forestry have adopted the principles of agroecology and sustainable land management.100% of value chain actors in agriculture and forestry have adopted the principles of agroecology and sustainable land management in practice.

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Objective C3 - Increased investments


Increased investments

Boost investments in Soil Health (SH) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)

Convince policymakers and funders to increase commitments and investments in AFOLU in favor of SH and carbon sequestration.

Targets C3 - Increased investments

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

The Top 20* institutions were contacted end of 2020.

In 2030, the Top 80** institutions have been reached.

In 2050, all policymakers and funders have been contacted.

* Referring to the 2018 study about potential funders

** Referring to the Funders' overview study "Mapping of active Finance Providers" delivered by the Consultancy team: Perspectives Climate Group in Dec. 2021 (funded by GIZ).

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Objective C4 - Branding & Certification

Branding & CertificationDevelop, improve and implement Soil Health (SH) branding mechanismsSH branding mechanisms (seals, certification, awards, labeling, etc.),  including a "4 per 1000" brand, are developed, improved, and implemented as a benchmark for SH and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) build-up.

Targets C4 - Branding & Certification

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

No widely recognized SH branding mechanisms exist.

SH branding mechanisms are fully operational.SH branding mechanisms have been assessed, updated, and fully operational.

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Foster interaction and collaboration among stakeholders to achieve the initiative's vision

Objective D1 - Collaborative Platform

Collaborative Platform

Provide a digital collaborative platform, including regional portals

A boosted electronic collaborative platform, including regional portals, facilitates and strengthens collaboration and exchange between stakeholders within and around the Initiative.

Targets D1 - Collaborative Platform

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Collaborative platform 2.0 is fully operational for the Secretariat, the STC, and the Bureau. 

Collaborative platform 2.0 is developed at the five regional levels of the Initiative and is fully operational for all members and partners of the "4 per 1000" Initiative and all interested actors.
The collaborative platform is fully operational.

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Objective D2 - Regional Networks

Regional networksEstablish, develop and expand "4 per 1000" regional networks

"4 per 1000" regional networks are established, developed, and expanded.

Targets D2 - Regional Networks

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

1 to 2 "4 per 1000" annual regional meetings are organized.

"4 per 1000" regional networks are established in all regions and active in partner and member countries.

"4 per 1000" regional networks are established and active in all regions and countries.

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Objective D3 - Youth & Seniors

Youth & SeniorsFoster the engagement of youth and seniors in the transition to agroecology for Soil Health (SH) and climateYouth and senior networks are mobilized and support producers (farmers, pastorals, and foresters) and local action groups in their transition towards agroecology and sustainable land management.

Targets D3 - Youth & Seniors

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Sporadic contact with youth and senior networks.

"4 per 1000" partners have established active partnerships with regional youth and senior networks.

Partnerships with youth and senior networks are active in all regions.

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Objective D4 - Partnerships & Alliances

Partnerships & AlliancesEstablish partnerships and alliances to enhance transformative action on the groundPartnerships and alliances within the "4 per 1000" network and other related global funding and implementing organizations, networks, and initiatives are established and enhance the support and enabling environment for transformative action on the ground.

Targets D4 - Partnerships & Alliances

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Partnerships and alliances with a few global networks and initiatives have been established.Further partnerships and alliances with related global networks and initiatives have been established, and 50% of the "4 per 1000" partners are engaged in partnerships or alliances.Further partnerships and alliances with related global networks and initiatives have been established, and 100% of the "4 per 1000" partners are engaged in partnerships or alliances.

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Establish an international science-based framework for monitoring, reporting & verification, and impact assessment

Objective E1 - MRV Systems

MRV SystemsProvide a catalog of Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) systems for decision-makers

A catalog of Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems* (remote sensing, databases, sensors, etc.), that provides accurate and reliable information on SH and SOC stock change at various scales is accessible.

*Objective B4 is aimed at practitioners in the field. E1 is aimed at decision-makers.

Targets E1 - MRV Systems

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Identification of the 5 major operators.A complete overview of the 20 significant operators and their monitoring systems is available.A "4 per 1000" catalog covering all monitoring systems is available.

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Objective E2 - Soil Health Observatory

Soil Health ObservatoryEnable near real-time monitoring of Soil Health (SH) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)SH and SOC are monitored in near real-time at global, regional, and national levels.

Targets E2 - Soil Health Observatory

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Identification of some significant operators.

The establishment of a real-time observatory for SH and SOC.

Real-time SH & SOC observatory is operational at global, regional, and sub-regional levels.

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Objective E3 - Impact Assessment

Impact AssessmentProvide impact assessment tools (IATs) to evaluate the consistency of actions with the "4 per 1000" visionImpact assessment tools (including the socioeconomic dimension) evaluate if projects, practices, or programs are in line with the vision of the "4 per 1000" Initiative, and are accessible and continuously improved.

Targets E3 - Impact Assessment

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
Exploration of a possible collaboration with the developers of existing tools: FAO EX-ACT (Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool); Wocat CBP (Carbon Benefits Project) tool, etc.)Users have online access to essential impact assessment tools.

Users have online access to updated and extended impact assessment tools.

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Promote long-term viability and scaling up of the Initiative through citizen involvement, resource mobilization, and reporting on progress

Objective F1 - Twin Regions

Twin RegionsEstablish the Twin Regions concept to boost Soil Health (SH) and climate actionThe concept of "Twin Regions," aiming to unleash the synergistic potential of cooperation between contrasting and complementary regions to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and improve livelihoods, is adopted.  

Targets F1 - Twin Regions

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050
A pilot project is under evaluation to implement the "Twin Regions" concept in 3 distinct regions in Europe (France, Germany, and Spain) and Africa (Benin, DRC, Mali).The "Twin Regions" concept is adopted by communities in 20 "4 per 1000" partner countries.The "Twin Regions" concept is adopted by communities in all "4 per 1000" partner countries.

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Objective F2 - Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilization Mobilize sufficient resources to ensure the implementation of the strategy and functioning of the Executive Secretariat

The "4 per 1000" Initiative has mobilized sufficient resources to ensure the implementation of the strategy and the functioning of the Executive Secretariat to achieve the envisaged impact.

Targets F2 - Resource Mobilization

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

The aspired annual budget in 2020 was 961K€ (including the core budget of 721 K€), but the available funding was only 450 K€.

A baseline for investments in SH projects on the ground has not been established.

The level of mobilized resources by partners contributing to implementing the "4 per 1000" vision increases by 10 % annually.

The level of investments has doubled as compared to 2030.

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Objective F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

"4 per 1000" DashboardProvide a "4 per 1000" dashboard delivering near real-time quantitative information on the progress of the InitiativeA "4 per 1000" dashboard delivering near real-time information on the progress of the Initiative, considering Partners and Members and their actions, is available.

Targets F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Annual reports are available.

By the end of 2022, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be established.

By the end of 2023, the dashboard will be operational and regularly updated.

The "4 per 1000" dashboard is operational, regularly updated and recognized as an international standard.

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