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The Climate - Soil Community of Practice

This Climate-Soil Community of Practice (CoP) has jointly been launched by the “4 per 1000” Initiative on soils for food security and climate and the GIZ Sector Project Soil Protection, Combating Desertification, Sustainable Land Management (BMZ) in 2020.

The core concern of this Climate-Soil Community of Practice is to raise the awareness of the climate change mitigation and adaptation potential of sustainable land management and SOC enriching practices and identify concrete pathways for improvement and implementation. Its aim is to disseminate information on successful projects in the area of SLM and carbon sequestration, highlight good practices for overcoming adoption barriers and strengthen the case for sustainable land management as a key to effective climate action.

In addition, we advocate for increased and tangible consideration of SOC in relevant interventions and policy processes, such as the National Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The Climate-Soil Community of Practice (CoP) provides a platform for collaboration and peer-learning amongst its members and offers an open space for discussion and creative thinking.

Please register here: Registration for the Climate-Soil Community of Practice

Roadmap for 2023

  • Coming March / April:  Climate financing and carbon farming, with special focus on a project example from Kenya and financing possibilities for Agroforestry and Biochar practices
We will keep you up to date here and will update the data and topics regularly.

Events that took place in 2022

Change of Date:

Our next event "SOIL STORIES" is coming on the 25th of September!

To find out more please click here!

Image Added
(Credits: Georgina Smith / CIAT)
  • January: Follow up event to the October meeting on incentives for sustainable Land Management (took place)
  • March: Panel discussion on the chances and risks related to carbon sequestration in soils
  • May: Linking Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets with Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through Sustainable Land Management”as Side Event during UNCCD COP 15

    Input from Members

    We always welcome input from our members. If you would like to present your project or topic at one of our events or organize an event yourself as part of the Community of Practice - please get in touch with



    Klemme@4p1000  or Frederik.Lindenmann@giz



    If you would like to share information, websites or papers with the community, we would also be happy to hear from you. You can simply upload them directly yourself (please use the edit button on one of the already existing thematic pages here) or send them to

    JuliaKlemme@4p1000  or Frederik.Lindenmann@giz



    You can find already shared information of our members here: Knowledge Products

    Please klick here for more information about the Climate-Soil Community of Practice.

    “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Planet” – second virtual Fair of the “4 per 1000” Initiative

    The international “4 per 1000” Initiative organized its second virtual fair in the framework of the European Green Week 2022, with the sponsorship of the GIZ project “Sector Project on Soil Protection, Combating Desertification, Sustainable Land Management“, which has taken over the patronage of the event from this year


    All the partners, members and friends of the Initiative had the opportunity to present themselves and their work permanently on the collaborative platform of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative.

    Have a look at the fair!