It took place:

Date: 27th of January 2022

Time: 3 - 4.30 pm (CET)

Hosts: “4 per 1000” Initiative and GIZ

Venue: Microsoft Teams


The event took place on the 27th of January 2021. It was organised by Valeria Piñeiro* in cooperation with 4per1000 and GIZ. The event was intended as a follow up on the previous event on incentives for sustainable land management. This time the focus was on the linkages between policy interventions and SOC increase. Questions were: Which policy interventions, programmes or initiatives exist and influence the SOC content and which effects do they have on sustainable land management?

*The community of practice was created jointly by GIZ and “4 per 1000” Initiative and events are organized on a regular basis. All our members are strongly encouraged to suggest topics and organize events within the community!

Agenda (all times are CET)

3:00 pmValeria Piñero (IFPRI)
3:05 pm Pablo Elverdin (Group of Producing Countries of the Southern Cone (GPS))Introduction
3:10 pm

Marcelo Regunaga (Coordinator of GPS in Argentina; Buenos Aires Grain Exchange)

Argentine Network of Good Agricultural Practices: A pioneer national initiative in LATAM promoting sustainable agriculture
3:25 pm Sabine Papendieck (ESTRATECO Consultores; Argentine Carbon Neutral Programme)

The Argentine Carbon Neutral Program (PACN). The case of the oilseed and corn & sorghum roundtable

3:40 pmAll speakersDiscussion
4:00 pmCOP membersPresentation of experiences regarding policy intervention and SOC increase
4:25 pmValeria Piñero (IFPRI)
Take-aways and conclusion
4.30 pmEnd of the session

Abstracts and slides of the presentations:

Pablo Elverdin

Introduction to the activities of the GPS (Group of Producing Countries of the Southern Cone)

Marcelo Regunaga:

Argentine Network of Good Agricultural Practices: A pioneer national initiative in LATAM promoting sustainable agriculture

Introduction of the purposes, the national reach and regional networks. Structure and functioning of the GAP Network. Highlight active participation of the main public and private agricultural organizations (and others related with food production, such as environment, health and labour)  promoting sustainable agriculture since 2014, through a global strategy including communications, training, workshops, incentives and preparation of technical documents and proposals for local and national regulations. Implementing different projects to promote GAPs and to measure adoption and impacts of different initiatives in crops production and livestock production.

Sabine Papendieck:

The Argentine Carbon Neutral Program (PACN). The case of the oilseed and corn & sorghum roundtable.

The PACN is a private voluntary adhesion program, administrated by the Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires, and developed to promote the consolidation of a sustainable brand for Argentine products from the food, beverage and bioenergy export sectors. This brand is achieved through joint sectoral work on carbon footprint quantification methodologies, measurement practices, improvement, and neutrality, until capturing the economic value of the reduction achieved beyond existing commitments. The PACN is implemented through Sectoral Roundtables, that are comprised of producers, groups and/or associations, companies and sectoral chambers from each of the productive value chain links, hence ensuring full national geographic representation.

The speakers:

Valeria Piñero

Dr. Valeria Piñeiro is a Senior Research Coordinator in the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Her recent work includes modeling the impacts of agricultural support policies on emissions from agriculture and reviewing the evidence on incentives for adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and their outcomes. She has significant experience working in the areas of economic development and growth using General Equilibrium Models (CGE) as an analytical tool and has for the last several years led courses in many countries teaching the theory and application of CGE models. She is also a faculty member at the Applied Economics Master’s Program in the Johns Hopkins University. Valeria received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland.

Pablo Elverdin

Pablo Elverdin is a Strategy and Content Coordinator of the Group of Producing Countries of the Southern Cone (GPS). Previously, he was external consultant in the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Inter-American Development Bank. He was Director of Sectorial Integration and Industrial Policy in the Ministry of Industry and served as General Coordinator of the promotion exports program—ProArgentina. Elverdin was an adviser on industrial development policy in the Ministry of Economic Development of the City of Buenos Aires. He was expert consultant in industrial matters in the Ministry of Economy of the Province of Buenos Aires and consultant in the Unit for Rural Change in the Ministry of Agriculture. He was also General Coordinator of the Chamber of Agricultural Machinery of the Buenos Aires Province and was an advisor to the Ministry of Production of the Nation.

Marcelo Regunaga

Coordinator in Argentina of the GPS Group (Group of Producing Countries from the Southern Cone - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Academic Director of the Formation and Training Department of the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange (Bolsa de Cereales). Has been Academic Director and Professor at the Agribusiness Unit of the University of San Andrés-Argentina. Has been Professor of the Graduate Program on Agribusiness at the University of Buenos Aires. Has conducted more than 60 research studies; 12 of them have been published in books. Member of the Steering Committee of the Global Bioeconomy Summit; and Member of the Advisory Committee of the Hemispheric Bioeconomy and Productive Development Program of IICA.  Board Member of the Argentine Council for International Relations – CARI.   Has been Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina; and Secretary of Industry, Commerce and Mining of Argentina.

Sabine Papendieck

Sabine Papendieck has a Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina and a Master´s Degree in International Economic Relations and Negotiations from the Universidad de San Andrés-FLACSO-Universidad de Barcelona. She is managing director at ESTRATECO Consultores where she develops her professional activity as an international consultant and researcher specialized in issues related with market access for agro-industrial products and international trade negotiations. She is advisor to the export business sector, as well as to governments and international organizations. She currently works as General Coordinator of the Argentine Carbon Neutral Program.

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (andre.randriamaiaza)

    Chère partenaire,

    malgré l'handicape en anglais, la dernière visioconférence est très intéressent et une occasion pour discuter les thèmes et la situation particulières chez nous. Pour nous valazomby, nous sommes en bonne position pour exécuter le projet intitulé "TRANDRAKA", un projet dans le domaine d'agroalimentaire, qui est basé sur "la santé de sol pour alimentation et de l'environnement et exploitation des carbones,  affin que nous puissions participer sur notre défit en 2050, rétablir la trouble du globe terrestre, "le changement climatique".

    Mais avent tous, nous avons  besoins quelques moyens qui est considéré comme en prioritaire, sont: 

    Moyens financiers,

    Moyens matériels, comme ( machines infrastructures.....etc.

    Les débouchés des produits agricoles,

    Les partenaires financiers,

    Les partenaires techniques surtout exploiteur de carbone du sols et de la forêt.....etc. 

    Avec cordialement.