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Save Soil is a global response to the soil crisis. This is, first and foremost, a people’s movement which aims to inspire at least 4 billion people (60% of the world’s electorate) to support long-term government policies to revitalise soil.

Save Soil’s overarching objective is to support governments in ensuring a minimum of 3-6% organic matter is present in agricultural soil across the globe (based on regional conditions). This would make soil alive, and sustainably utilisable across agricultural lands.

International organisations that are leading ecological action, such as the International Union of Conservation of Nations (IUCN) and United Nations (UN) agencies - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), World Food Programme (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and United Nations Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth (UNEP) have come forward to partner with the movement.

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