This page is intended to give an overview of what has happened so far and to inform about the next steps regarding the implementation of the Global Facilities through the Task Forces:


The international "4 per 1000" Initiative 'Soils for Food Security and Climate' was launched in 2015 at the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. In 2020, it developed and adopted its strategic plan. It aims to guide the work of the Initiative for the years until 2050, clearly highlighting 24 Strategic Objectives to be pursued under specific goals, with targets identified for 2030 and 2050.

For each objective, a Task Force was established.  The primary goal of the Task Forces is to develop and implement actions and projects that contribute to the implementation of the respective objectives of the strategy.

To start the process, 126 Task Force experts participated in a systematic global consultation process in 2020 and 2021 to develop an implementation strategy for each objective. First, they specified the underlying problems of each objectiv, its consequences, and its causes. In the second step, they reached a consensus on the activities that need to be invested in, the obstacles that need to be overcome, and the critical success factors that need to be considered to achieve the objectives. The resulting strategy document serves as a global framework for coordinated actions and projects to achieve the "4 per 1000" vision for 2050: "Globally healthy and carbon-rich soils to combat climate change and end hunger."

From now on, Task Forces will focus on implementation.

Core and Global Facilities

As a reminder, the « 4 per 1000 » Operational Framework clearly differentiates between Core Facilities, led and implemented by the Executive Secretariat with the support of existing and future Partnerships, and Global Facilities, which will be facilitated and supported by the Executive Secretariat, while being led by future Alliances, i.e., coalitions of Partners, Members and Friends of the Initiative. It is important to know the distinction, as the way of implementing the Global and Core Facilities differs substantially.

Here you can find an overview of the strategic objectives divided into Core and Global Facilities:

Workplan 2023

The implementation of the strategy has long since begun, with a lot going on under almost all of the Core Facilities.

To kick-off the work under the Global Facilities, we decided to launch four Task Forces this year, which will work on the Focal Objectives 2023. One of these is a true showcase, as a taskforce has already started working under its taskforce leader. This is:

The other three Focal Objectives for 2023 are:

How to get involved

F1, A1, A5 and E1 are this year's Focal Objectives and we strongly encourade you to get engaged in one of those Task Forces, if you feel your expertise could contribute to the sucess of the work!

You need to be logged in to use this link to join the Task Forces (otherwise just send an email to: indicating what Task Force you want to join)

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