Organizer: French National Institute for Agricultural Research and environment (INRAe)

Date: Feb 10, 2021  Time: 0,5625 Time zone: UTC+1:00 | ECT | European Central Time

Duration: 2,5 hours

Event location: Zoom

Country: France

Description: Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture (CIRCASA)

This online event aims to kick-start the work of an International Research Consortium (IRC) on soil carbon sequestration in agriculture to support and help coordinate international research and innovation in this field. CIRCASA has identified a strategic agenda (link) with four pillars and has initiated task forces to prepare this IRC that is likely to be supported by the European Commission through dedicated action.

This online event will provide an overview of the key findings of CIRCASA and views from different world regions and stakeholders. Participants will be invited to express interest to participate in the IRC, as well as explore ways to contribute and benefit.

Zoom in:

Type: Conference

Keywords: soil-carbon-sequestration,

Event Web page:

Format: Virtual

Link to the virtual meeting: https:/

Virtual fair - booth number:


Jean-Francois Soussana

