
  • [EN] Declaration of intent to become a member of the Consortium of the "4 per 1000" Initiative
  • [FR] Déclaration d’intention pour être membre du Consortium du "4 pour 1000"
  • [ES] Declaración de intenciones para ser miembro del Consorcio de "4 por 1000"

Declaration of Intention for the formation of a “4 per 1000: soils for food security and climate” Consortium


(1) The “4 per 1000: soils for food security and the climate” Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the “Initiative”) was launched on 1 December 2015 at Le Bourget on the occasion of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

(2) The Initiative seeks to address the following three issues:

  • Improvement of food security by enhancing soil fertility and combating land degradation.
  • Adaptation of agriculture to climate change.
  • Mitigation of climate change.

(3) The aim of the Initiative is to improve levels of organic matter and foster carbon sequestration in soils through the implementation of farming methods appropriate to, and reflecting local conditions, including criteria relating to environmental, social and economic issues, thereby contributing to the preservation of rich soils and the restoration of vulnerable, desertified soils, while respecting existing legitimate land tenure rights, including informal rights, and their holders, consistent with the voluntary guidelines for responsible governance of land tenure regimes applied to land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security (Food Security Committee, 2012) and the principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems (FSC, 2014).

(4) The Initiative reflects a common will to reinforce existing synergies and points of coherence between the three Rio Conventions, the Sustainable Development Goals adopted on 25 September 2015, the Committee on World Food Security and the Global Soil Partnership and in line with the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

(5) Recognition of the Initiative as one of the six initiatives of the agricultural component of the Lima Paris Agenda for Action testifies to the priority assigned to the setting of ambitious targets for the climate and food security. Its inclusion encourages a continuation of the mobilisation of state and non-state partners for the implementation and follow-up of programmes generating practical impacts in terms of both adaptation and mitigation.

(6) By signing the declaration of intention in support of the Initiative presented on 1 December 2015 in Paris (cf. Annex 1, hereinafter the “Paris Declaration”), over 160 organisations have given an undertaking to “to put in place a formal governance structure through an inclusive and transparent process, guaranteeing fair participation by the various stakeholders and taking into consideration the need to collaborate with existing, relevant initiatives by seeking synergies with them on soil health issues, wherever possible.”

(7) The present Declaration of Intention for the creation of a Consortium reflects that shared political commitment.

The goals of the Initiative

(8) The goals of the Initiative are defined by the Paris Declaration (cf. Annex 1).

(9) To achieve those goals, the Initiative’s partners will notably seek to cooperate with a view to:

  • Create a multi-actor platform to reinforce exchanges, partnerships, and capitalisation on experience between actors, organised around the execution of concrete actions. The collaborative work will focus in particular on:

    • the sharing of information;
    • the exchange of good practice;
    • the design of projects and policies;
    • the promotion or funding of programmes.

The community will be structured around an electronic space for discussion (an Internet forum) and thematic or regional meetings of the Initiative.

  • Develop a system for collective project expertise based on a set of reference criteria compliant with the Initiative’s principles and goals;
  • Define and implement a system aimed at facilitating project funding, based on the previous actions;
  • Build an international programme of scientific research and cooperation for 4 per 1000 deployed along four parallel lines:

    • spatialised knowledge of the mechanisms and potential for organic carbon sequestration in soils;
    • knowledge, definition and co-construction of agronomic and forestry practices at different scales with the aim of achieving the goals of the Initiative;
    • definition and evaluation of measures promoting the adoption or transition to the above practices;
    • design and implementation of straightforward methods for monitoring changes in soil carbon content.

While this programme can be conducted under the Initiative, it may be steered in accordance with provisions specific to those doing the research, and may involve organisations that are not members of the Initiative.

  • Create a digital resource centre on Initiative topics. This centre will make available to the public scientific data and results, training resources, guides to good practice, etc.
  • Execution of the above actions will prioritise the search for synergy with existing initiatives and programmes.

Constitution d'un consortium

(10) The signatory organisations of the present Declaration of Intention shall form a “4 per 1000: soils for food security and climate” Consortium (hereinafter referred to as the “Consortium”) in order to implement the actions specific to the Initiative with support from the Secretariat. The members of the Consortium shall seek to elicit and to intensify collaborative programmes among themselves and with other interested organisations in order to carry out actions aligned with the Initiative’s goals.

(11) The Consortium is a voluntary cooperative organisation and creates no rights or legally binding obligations between its members or with regard to any other organisation. The Consortium is not an entity with legal personality.

Consortium membership

(12) The following may become Consortium members: national governments, regional and international public-sector organisations, local government or community bodies, scientific and technical bodies, research and educational institutions, professional agricultural organisations, development banks and funds, civil society organisations and other nonprofit bodies, always provided that they adhere and contribute to the Initiative’s principles and goals as defined in the Paris Declaration.

(13) The members of the Consortium shall be the organisations defined in paragraph 12 above that are signatories of the present document or which have formally notified to the Secretariat their application to become Consortium members. Membership of the Consortium is possible for an unlimited term from 23 September 2016.

(14) Consortium members shall notify a single point of contact to the Secretariat. A list of Consortium members shall regularly updated by the Secretariat.

(15) Taking as a basis paragraphs 12 and 13, the Consortium shall validate by consensus the membership of the Consortium of applicant organisations. The Secretariat shall notify accession to the Consortium or rejection of the application. As a derogation from the above, members signing the Declaration of Intention prior to the date of the first meeting of the Consortium shall be automatically deemed to enjoy membership as founding members.

(16) Participation of each member in the activities of the Consortium shall be voluntary and each member shall be able itself to determine the nature and degree of its involvement. Members may indicate to the Secretariat the actions they wish to conduct to promote the goals of the Initiative and the manner in which they wish to involve themselves in the Consortium’s activities.

(17) Members may leave the Consortium at any time, if they so wish, simply by sending a written notification to the Secretariat.

(18) Members may be excluded from the Consortium if their activities run counter to the Initiative’s goals as defined in the Paris Declaration or where conflicts of interest arise between their activities and those goals. Such exclusion shall be adopted by a consensus of the other Consortium members.

Governance of the Consortium

Decisions of the consortium

(19) The Consortium shall take, in response to proposals from the Secretariat, decisions concerning the general framework and orientations of the Initiative and all decisions necessary to its satisfactory operation. Decisions shall be taken on the basis of a consensus of the members present as defined in paragraphs 12 et seq. The minimum number of votes that must be present or represented (the quorum) shall be defined in bylaws.

(20) Where the above consensus is not achieved, it shall be possible to apply ad hoc decisionmaking arrangements.

(21) The Consortium may meet in colleges. Where applicable, the bylaws shall determine the organisational and operational arrangements for such colleges.

(22) The Consortium may notably adopt:

  • An annual work programme for the Initiative,
  • An annual overview of the Initiative’s progress,
  • An annual operating budget, in response to a proposal from the Secretariat,
  • A set of reference criteria for project evaluation, in response to a proposal from the scientific committee,
  • A list of new Consortium members and Forum members.

(23) In addition, the Consortium may determine:

  • implementation of actions additional to those for which provision is made in this Declaration of Intention,
  • changes in the governance of the Consortium and the adoption of additional procedures.

(24) The president and vice-president of the Consortium shall be appointed by a consensus of Consortium members for a term of office renewable once.

(25) The president of the Consortium shall chair meetings of its members. The president may be assisted by a vice-president, who may stand in for the president if necessary.

(26) The first president and vice-president shall be appointed no later than the second meeting of the Consortium.

(27) Meetings of the Consortium shall be convened at the initiative of the Secretariat at least once yearly.

(28) Subject to the agreement of the president of the Consortium, the Secretariat may ballot Consortium members by electronic means.

The Forum of Partners of the Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the “Forum”)

(29) The Forum shall be the body in which partnerships and strengthened collaborative actions are built up between Consortium members and other partners of the Initiative. It shall be consulted on the general framework for the Initiative, its orientations and its operation, in addition to any other issue considered relevant by Consortium members.

(30) The following may become members of the Forum: national governments, regional and international public-sector organisations, local government or community bodies, scientific and technical bodies, research and educational institutions, professional agricultural organisations, civil society organisations, foundations and private companies, always provided that they express their willingness to share the Initiative’s principles and goals as defined in the Paris Declaration.

(31) Organisations that are signatories of the Paris Declaration (cf. Annex 1) will be welcome as members of the Forum. All other organisations meeting the conditions defined in the preceding paragraph may apply to the Secretariat to participate in the Forum. A list of new Forum members shall be submitted to the members of the Consortium for their decision.

(32) Members may leave the Forum at any time, if they so wish, simply by sending a written notification to the Secretariat.

(33) The Forum may comprise five colleges in order to elicit and to reinforce discussion and collaboration:

  • National governments, local government bodies, international and regional organisations and development banks.
  • Research and educational bodies.
  • Organisations of agricultural producers.
  • Civil society organisations and non-profit organisations.
  • Commercial or profit-making organisations.

The Secretariat shall notify to Forum members the college to which they belong.

(34) A “group of financing bodies” may be set up in order to facilitate coordination between potential funding bodies, in particular for communication to project promoters. This group of financing bodies may be consulted on any issue concerning the funding of projects for the Initiative. The following may be members of this group: national governments, regional and international public-sector organisations, local government or community bodies, financial institutions, in addition to any other member able to contribute to the funding of the Initiative.

(35) The president of the Consortium shall chair meetings of the Forum. The president may be assisted by the Consortium vice-president, who may stand in for the president if necessary.

(36) The Forum shall be convened at the initiative of the Secretariat at least once annually and may be consulted by electronic means. The Forum may also be organised as a digital community (Internet Forum).

Scientific and Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to the “STC”)

(37) The STC shall provide scientific and technical support to Consortium members.

(38) Specifically, the STC shall be able to:

  • propose to Consortium members, on the basis of the orientations defined by the Consortium, a set of reference criteria for the evaluation of projects and actions founded on the principles and goals of the Initiative as defined in the Paris Declaration, as well as on the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • formulate opinions and advice on projects, actions and programmes at the request of the Secretariat;
  • formulate proposals for the orientations of the international scientific research and cooperation programme and for any horizontal issue submitted by the Secretariat;
  • make contributions to the resource centre in conjunction with the Secretariat and, when asked to do so by the Secretariat, validate the posting of documents on line.

(39) The Committee shall comprise no more than 14 scientists, all to be internationally acclaimed for their scientific or technical competence on topics relevant to the 4 per 1000 Initiative. STC members shall notably be competent in the following disciplines: soil sciences, the carbon and organic matter cycle, agronomics, livestock farming, forestry, economics, political sciences and sociology, with the following areas of application: adaptation to climate change, food security and sustainable development in its various economic, social and environmental aspects. The composition of the STC shall assign a significant role to expertise in the field. It shall be balanced between the world’s various regions and shall ensure malefemale parity.
STC members shall be appointed for a two-year term renewable no more than twice by decision of the Consortium in response to a proposal from the Secretariat, following consultation of the college of research and educational bodies.

(40) The STC shall carry out its assigned tasks by means of physical and virtual meetings with support from the Secretariat. The members of the STC may appoint from among their number an STC chair and deputy chair. The STC chair and deputy chair may take part in Consortium and Forum meetings.

(41) Statements of interests shall be made by the members of the Consortium and filed with the Secretariat. They shall be updated at least once yearly.

(42) The STC may consult as and when necessary any expert or actor it considers relevant to its proceedings.

Consortium, Forum and STC bylaws

(43) Bylaws may lay down the rules for the operation of the Consortium, the Forum and the STC. They shall be adopted by the members of the Consortium in response to a proposal from the Secretariat, after consultation of the relevant body.


(44) The Initiative’s Secretariat shall seek to ensure the implementation of the actions conducted under the Initiative and shall provide its support to Consortium members, the Forum and the STC.

(45) More specifically, the Secretariat shall be able to:

  • prepare, convene and organise meetings of members of the Consortium, the Forum and the Committee;
  • ensure the consistency between the different components of the Initiative;
  • monitor the activities of the Initiative and report on the latter to the Consortium and the Forum;
  • foster communication between Initiative members, notably by organising thematic and/or regional workshops, consultations by electronic means and leading the Internet discussion forum;
  • facilitate contacts between financing bodies and project promoters;
  • promote the Initiative, the goals it pursues and the actions of its members;
  • maintain, drive and provide content for the Initiative website, including the resource centre;
  • prepare the annual budget to be submitted for approval to the members of the Consortium;
  • implement the budget approved by the members of the Consortium and produce an annual report on the resources, notably financial, applied to the various activities, and on the origins of those resources.

(46) The Secretariat’s human, financial and material resources may be provided by Consortium members on a voluntary basis. Staff made available to it by members shall continue to be remunerated by the latter.

(47) As a provisional measure, the Secretariat shall be hosted for administrative purposes by a public body(1) under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry of the French Republic for a period of no more than 24 months from 1 September 2016. The definitive hosting arrangement for the Secretariat shall be approved subsequently by the members of the Consortium by consensus.

(48) The Secretariat shall assess the statements of interests and propose to the president and members of the Consortium all and any relevant measures for prevention of possible conflicts of interest.


(1) The French public interest grouping “Agency for the development of international cooperation in the areas of agriculture, food and rural areas” (ADECIA).


(49) There shall be no mandatory registration fees for Consortium membership.

(50) Any member of the Consortium may, at its discretion and in compliance with its own rules, make a contribution to the Consortium in the form of funding or the provision of staff or material resources in order to support the operation of the Consortium and the Initiative’s activities, including facilitation of participation by all members in the various meetings.

(51) In the interests of transparency, efficiency and good resource management, contributions shall be notified to the Secretariat, which shall submit a report annually on these to the members of the Consortium.

First meeting and review clause

(52) The first meeting of members of the Consortium and the Forum shall take place no later than 12 months from 23 September 2016.

(53) Within 24 months of the first meeting of the members of the Consortium, the latter shall be able to arrive at an overview of the implementation of the present Declaration of Intention and may decide, if appropriate, to amend its terms.

The present Declaration of Intention for the formation of the “4 per 1000: soils for food security and climate” Consortium, done on 23 September 2016, is open for signing by all national governments and organisations as defined in paragraphs 12, 13 and 15 hereinabove.

Annex 1 : The Paris Declaration.

Date : Signature :