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7th Forum of Partners - 16 November 2022 [9:00 to 14:00 Egypt time]

Zoom information for the FORUM (Link for on-line attendees only)

Please click this URL to join:
Webinar ID840 0069 4818


Tropitel Naama Bay, Sharm el Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt (+20 693 600 570)

Executive Building - Executive Room 2

By Taxi: Tell the driver: Tropitel Naama Bay, Genena City; you will arrive close to the Executive Building.

By Bus: Use the CoP 27 bus SH6 (green line), from CoP site to the stop: Tropital; you will arrive at the lobby of the hotel (main entrance)

Beware the Tropitel logo is not anymore on the building front (see picture enclosed)


"Healthy Soils for a Healthy Planet"

9:00 to 14:00 (Egypt time): 7th FORUM meeting

Chair of the 6th Day of the international «4 per 1000» Initiative: Dr Wolfgang Zornbach from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany

Chair of the Forum: Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, President of the international «4 per 1000» Initiative, Mayor of Le Mans city and former Minister of Agriculture (France)

[9:00 to 12:30 Egypt time] Opening of the Forum with a High-Level Segment

[9:00 to 9:45] Opening of the Forum

  • Welcome speech by Mr. Stéphane Le Foll (5 minutes) video
  • WeIcome address by Dr Wolfgang Zornbach (5 minutes) on site
  • Inaugural session - Welcome address through speeches from Officials (15 minutes)
    • Mr. Marc Baréty, Ambassador of France in the Republic of Egypt on site
    • Mr. Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty of the French Republic video
    • Mr. Luis Planas Puchades, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Kingdom of Spain video
    • Mr. Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture of Germany video
  • Inspirational presentation by Mr. Helmy Abouleish, CEO of SEKEM and Councilor of the WFC World Future Council* (Egypt) on the Development of organic and biodynamic Agricultures in Egypt and about the Economy of Love (15 minutes) on site

* For information: In 2017, the international «4 per 1000» Initiative received the Future Policy Vision Award from the World Future Council and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

[9:45 to 11:45] VIP speeches (3 minutes per speaker) Updated on 15 November 2022

  1. Ms. Terhi Lehtonen, State Secretary, Minister of the Environment (Finland) on site
  2. Ms. Maria do Céu Antunes, Minister of Agriculture and Food (Portugal) video tbc
  3. Dr Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture (Hungary) video
  4. Mr. Georgi Sabev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Bulgaria) video
  5. Ms. Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands (Scotland) video
  6. Ms. Faten Khamassi, Head of Cabinet of H.E. the Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries (Tunisia) on site
  7. Mr. Drissa Traoré, Official Representative & Technical Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast) on site
  8. Mr. Stephen Quest, Director General, JRC [Joint Research Centre] (European Commission) video
  9. Dr Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza, Director General, The Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT [International Center for Tropical Agriculture] (IO) video tbc
  10. Mr. Pau Roca, Director General, OIV (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin / International Organization of Vine and Wine) (IO) zoom
  11. Mr. Plácido Plaza, Secretary General, CIHEAM [Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes / International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies] (France) video
  12. Dr Patrick Caron, President of Agropolis international, International Director of the Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE), Member of the CGIAR Board of Directors (France) video 
  13. Mr. Norbert Lins, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (European Parliament) video
  14. Ms. Elisabeth Claverie de Saint-Martin, CEO, CIRAD [French Agricultural Research and Cooperation Organization] (France) zoom
  15. Ms. Valérie Verdier, CEO, IRD [Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / Research Institute for Development] (France) video
  16. Mr. Philippe Mauguin, CEO, INRAE [Institut National de Recherche sur l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement / French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment] (France) zoom
  17. Ms. Ana Beatriz Wingeyer, National Project Coordinator, Strategies to increase Soil Carbon Sequestration, INTA – EEA Paraná [Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria / National Institute of Agricultural Technology] (Argentina) zoom
  18. Mr. Philippe Birker, Co-Founder, Climate Farmers (Germany) on site
  19. Mr. François Mandin, Farmer & President of APAD [Association pour la Promotion d'une Agriculture Durable / Association for the Promotion of a Sustainable Agriculture] / ACS network (France) video
  20. Ms. Precious Phiri, Coordinator, Regeneration International (Zimbabwe) on site
  21. Ms. Alana Lea, Founding Director, IGiveTrees (Non-profit USA-Brazil) video
  22. Pr. Ricardo Ralisch, Official Representative, FEBRAPDP (the Brazilian Federation of the No-TillAge System) (Brazil) zoom
  23. Ms. Jing Meng, Associate Professor & Delegate of CBCGDF (China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Developmment Foundation) (China) on site
  24. Ms. Catherine Migault, Director General, FARM Foundation (France) video
  25. Mr. Sadhguru, Founder of the Isha Foundation and of the Movement «Conscious Planet» Save Soil (India) video
  26. Ms. Laura Höijer, Managing Director, BSAG Baltic Sea Action Group (Finland) zoom
  27. Mr. Bharat Kakade, President and Managing Trustee, BAIF Development Research Foundation (India) on site
  28. Dr Ananya S Rao, Senior Scientist, Forests by Heartfulness, Heartfulness Institute (India) on site
  29. Ms. Delphine Smagghe, Senior Vice President Purchasing, Quality, Sustainable Development and Communication at Mc Donald's France (France) video
  30. Ms. Sandrine Sommer, Chief Sustainability Officer, Moët Hennessy, LVMH group (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy) (France) zoom
  31. Mr. Alain Desvigne, CEO, Amarenco Group (Ireland) zoom
  32. Ms. Adrienne de Malleray, co-Founder, Genesis (France) zoom
  33. Ms. Sarah Vidal, Partnership Relation Manager, MEZAGRI (France) video
  34. Ms. Carine Kraus, Executive Director for Engagement, Member of the Executive Committee, Carrefour (France) zoom
  35. Mr. Olivier Reinaud, Co-founder & Managing Director, NetZero (France) on site
  36. Ms. Stefania Avanzini, OP2B Director [One Planet Business for Biodiversity, hosted by WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development)] (Switzerland) video

[11:55 to 12:30] The floor is open to the various colleges of the Forum to express their views on how to reach the objective of "Healthy Soils for a Healthy Planet" (35 minutes)

    • Session 1: Presentation of the World Living Soils Forum by Moët Hennessy which took place in June 2022 in Arles (France) by Ms. Sandrine Sommer, Chief Sustainability Officer, Moët Hennessy (France) (5 minutes) zoom
    • Session 2: One year after the UNFSS United Nations Food Systems Summit, situation of the two coalitions, interesting for the «4 per 1000» Community:
      • Coalition of Action for Soil Health (CA4SH) presented by Ms. Leigh Ann Winowiecki, Global Research Leader: Soil and Land Health at CIFOR-ICRAF; Co-lead of the Coalition of Action for Soil Health (CA4SH) (Kenya) (5 minutes) on site
      • Coalition on Agroecology presented by Mr. Emile Frison, member of The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food); Coordinator of the Coalition on Agroecology (Italy) (5 minutes) zoom
    • Session 3: «4 per 1000» Perspectives in French overseas departments and regions" presented by CIRAD [French Agricultural Research and Cooperation Organization] (France), IRD [Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / Research Institute for Development] (France) and INRAE [Institut National de Recherche sur l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement / French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment] (France), presented by Mr. Vincent Blanfort, Climate Change Officer, CIRAD (5 minutes) on site
    • Open discussion the floor is open to the various Stakeholder Groups (Collèges) (Countries and International Organizations, Farmer Organizations, NGOs, Scientific Institutions, Businesses) (15 minutes).

[12:30 to 14:00 Egypt time] Partners’ Forum Meeting
  • Adoption of the Agenda – Dr Wolfgang Zornbach (2 minutes)
  • Approval of the Forum Report No. 6 (Glasgow, 10 November 2021) – Dr Wolfgang Zornbach (3 minutes)
  • The 2021-2022 «4 per 1000» Annual Activity ReportDr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary (10 minutes) 
  • The 2021-2022 «4 per 1000» STC (Scientific and Technical Committee) Activity Report and the STC 6 year-Activity ReportDr Beverley Henry, Co-Chair of the «4 per 1000» STC (10 minutes)
  • The «4 per 1000» Implementation Plan - Validation and now, Action (45 minutes) – The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat
    • The «4 per 1000» Implementation Plan & The «4 per 1000» Operational FrameworkMs. Béatrice Breton-Askar, the «4 per 1000» Ex-Sec. team (5 minutes)
    • How to implement the "4 per 1000" Strategic Plan 2050? The «4 per 1000» SIC Strategy Implementation Cycle – Ms. Claudia Schepp / Mr. Marc Bernard, the «4 per 1000» Ex-Sec. team (10 minutes)
  • Comments and Discussion (30 minutes)
  • Conclusion of the ForumDr Wolfgang Zornbach (5 minutes)


DocumentsDocument in EnglishDocument in French

Clean Agenda ENG (Word) dated 10 Nov. 2022 

Clean Agenda FR (Word) dated 10 Nov. 2022

Forum Report No. 6

FINAL ENG version dated 11 Oct. 2022

FINAL FR version dated 11 Oct. 2022

Activity Report

STC Activity Report

Not available

8th Meeting of the Consortium of Members - 16 November 2022 (15:30 to 18:00 Egypt time)


Tropitel Naama Bay, Sharm el Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt (+20 693 600 570)

Executive Building - Executive Room 2

By Taxi: Tell the driver: Tropitel Naama Bay, Genena City; you will arrive close to the Executive Building.

By Bus: Use the CoP 27 bus SH6 (green line), from CoP site to the stop: Tropital; you will arrive at the lobby of the hotel (main entrance)

Beware the Tropitel logo is not anymore on the building front (see picture enclosed)


Points * for decision.

Each topic will be submitted for discussion before a decision is taken and the corresponding document will be posted on the Consortium meeting website.

Updated on 10 November 2022

Chair of the Consortium: Dr Wolfgang Zornbach from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany

15:30-18:00: 8th CONSORTIUM meeting

Opening of the Consortium of Members

WeIcome speech by Dr Wolfgang Zornbach [5 minutes] on site

  • Adoption of the Agenda *Dr Wolfgang Zornbach [5 minutes]

  • Approval of the Consortium Report No.7 – Glasgow, 10 November 2021 – Dr Wolfgang Zornbach * [5 minutes]

  • General matters [15:40-16:00 Egypt time]

    • Welcome to new Partners and Members *Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary

    • Approval of the 2021-2022 «4 per 1000» Activity Report *Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary

    • The 2022 “Bureau” Activity Report *Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary

  • Proposals of the STC (Scientific and Technical Committee) [16:00 to 16:20 Egypt time]

      • STC proposals to be included in the 2023 Roadmap – Dr Beverley Henry, Co-Chair of the «4 per 1000» STC

  • Work programme for 2023: Roadmap and Budget [16:20 to 17:10 Egypt time] – The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat

    • Adoption of the «4 per 1000» SIC Strategy Implementation Cycle * – Ms. Claudia Schepp or Dr Paul Luu, The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat

    • The « 4 per 1000 » 2023 Roadmap * – Ms. Béatrice Breton-Askar, The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat

    • Meetings of the international « 4 per 1000 » Initiative (Forum, Consortium & STC) in 2023 & CoP 28 *Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary

    • Financial and Human Resources (including information about the Executive Secretariat and its composition) – « 4 per 1000 » 2023 Annual Budget *Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary

  • Presentations for information [17:10 to 17:40 Egypt time]

    • Perspectives for the organization of « 4 per 1000 » Regional Meetings in 2023 and 2024 (Asia, Western Africa, Northern Europe, Mediterranean, Latin America and Carribean) – Dr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000» Executive Secretary & Elisa Vainio, Project Manager, BSAG (Finland), for the 2023 Northern Europe Meeting

    • Situation of the « 4 per 1000 » “Twin-Regions” Project (pilot project and coalition) – Mr. Marc Bernard, The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat

    • Creation of an International Research Consortium after the CIRCASA Project, kick-off of the OrCaSA Project – Ms Suzanne Reynders or Jean-François Soussana, INRAE (France)

Conclusion of the Consortium by Dr Wolfgang Zornbach [5 minutes].


DocumentsDocument in EnglishDocument in French

Clean Agenda ENG (Word) dated 10 Nov. 2022

Clean Agenda FR (Word) dated 10 Nov. 2022

Consortium Report No.

FINAL ENG version dated 4 Oct. 2022

FINAL FR version dated 4 oct. 2022

New Partners & Members

Bureau Activity Report

Meetings of the Initiative in 2023

Roadmap 2023

Implementation of the "4 per 1000" Strategic Plan 2050

Financial & Human Resources in 2023

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