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English (US)

Objective F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

"4 per 1000" DashboardProvide a "4 per 1000" dashboard delivering near real-time quantitative information on the progress of the InitiativeA "4 per 1000" dashboard delivering near real-time information on the progress of the Initiative, considering Partners and Members and their actions, is available.

Targets F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Baseline 2020Target 2030Target 2050

Annual reports are available.

By the end of 2022, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be established.

By the end of 2023, the dashboard will be operational and regularly updated.

The "4 per 1000" dashboard is operational, regularly updated , and recognized as an international standard.


Objectif F3 - Tableau de bord "4 pour 1000"

ÉtiqueterTitreLa description
Tableau de bord "4 pour 1000"Fournir un tableau de bord "4 pour 1000" fournissant des informations quantitatives en temps quasi réel sur les progrès de l'InitiativeUn tableau de bord "4 pour 1000" fournissant des informations en temps quasi réel sur les progrès de l'Initiative, en tenant compte des Partenaires et des Membres et de leurs actions, est disponible.

Cibles F3 - Tableau de bord "4 pour 1000"

Référence 2020Cible 2030Cible 2050

Des rapports annuels sont disponibles.

D'ici fin 2022, des indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) seront établis.

D'ici fin 2023, le tableau de bord sera opérationnel et régulièrement mis à jour.

Le tableau de bord "4 pour 1000" est opérationnel, régulièrement mis à jour et reconnu comme un standard international.


Objetivo F3 - Panel informativo "4 por 1000"

Panel informativo "4 por 1000"Proporcionar un panel informativo "4 por 1000" que brinde información cuantitativa casi en tiempo real sobre el progreso de la IniciativaSe encuentra disponible un panel informativo "4 por 1000" que brinda información casi en tiempo real sobre el progreso de la Iniciativa, considerando a los Socios y Miembros y sus acciones.

Finalidades F3 - Panel informativo "4 por 1000"

Línea de base 2020Finalidad 2030Finalidad 2050

Los informes anuales están disponibles.

Para fines de 2022, se establecerán indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPI).

A fines de 2023, el panel informativo estará operativo y se actualizará periódicamente.

El panel informativo "4 por 1000" está operativo, se actualiza regularmente y es reconocido como un estándar internacional.


English (US)

Context F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Problem F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Problem StatementDescriptionConsequences

Lack of transparency regarding the progress of the Initiative

Due to the numerous activities of the Initiative in various fields of action, it is hard to keep track of the achievements and the progress made by the Initiative.

Acceptance among stakeholders diminishes, and the benefit of the Initiative will be questioned.

Causes F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

CauseDescription - explanation


Insufficient reporting

Progress reports are insufficiently prepared and distributed.


Missing dashboard

There is no easy-to-use tool to access the results and progress of the Initiative.


Dashboard difficult-to-use

Due to complicated usability dashboard is accessed by experts only.


KPIs not visible

Too many indicators resp. Essential indicators are hard to distinguish.


Inadequate server infrastructure

Availability The availability and response time of server infrastructure is not sufficient.

6Unattractive information providedThe information is complex for users to understand or is in an unattractive format.
7Lack of standardized dataThe database used to feed the dashboard might be derived from non-standardized data and methods.

Implementation strategy F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Activities F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard



Define targets and indicators

Collect targets, normalize similar targets, and assign priorities to each target (high, medium, low).


Elaborate system requirements

Define the system requirements to achieve the targets, and assign priorities for each requirement (high, medium, low).


Develop the system

Develop updated versions of the system in short iterations and ensure continuous testing.


Manage the data

Prepare and manage appropriate data.


Report on activities

Keep stakeholders involved and actively inform them about the progress of the Initiative.

Critical Success Factors (CSFs) F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Critical Success FactorDescription


Easy-to-use dashboard

The dashboard has an easily accessible, user-friendly interface on PCs, notebooks, and mobile devices.


Prioritization of KPIs

Put the most important global KPIs (key performance indicators) on the front page, allow to drill down into more detail, and access KPIs with lower importance.


Personalization of the user interface

Participants will have different fields of interest, and the importance of KPIs will differ according to that. Therefore, the front page should be adaptable to the user's requirements.


Short response times

Fast data extraction and preparation. Instantaneous filtering and drilling into tons of data.


Active reporting

Regular progress reports are distributed by e-mail; content is adaptable to user requirements.

6Information of interest to users  Information should be of interest to users and be quick and easy to read.

Barriers F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard




The cost of the dashboard's development, maintenance, and operation is underestimated.


Requirements unclear

Requirements are not widely analyzed and not broadly based.


Lack of acceptance

The acceptance will diminish when the platform is not sufficiently user-friendly and stable.

4Different stakeholder interests Stakeholders are diverse, and each has different interests.
