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  1. Dear colleagues / chers collègues,

    those of you who have experiences with RiceAdvice in your country, could you briefly share them here? (At which stage are you? / Who has been trained? / Are you providing the tablets? / Feedback from the field? etc.)


    Ceux d'entre vous qui ont introduit l'application RiceAdvice dans votre pays, veuillez partager les experiences ici, merci! (vous êtes dans quelle phase? / qui a été formé? / qui fournit les tablet? / Y a-t-il du feed-back du champ? etc.)

    Best wishes, Michael (Ghana)

  2. Dear Michael,

    as far as I know, it is Kazuki Saito from AfricaRice, who has more overview on the RiceAdvice app. Maybe he could help you out.

    Best regards,

    Sandra (Benin)