Core Facilities and related Objectives, Task Forces, and Partnerships

Purpose: To improve the legal and financial support of transformative action

Development: The building of supporting Partnerships is led by the "4 per 1000" Executive Secretariat and assisted by corresponding Task Forces

Key Stakeholders: Anticipated key partners are Governmental and International Organizations

#Core Facilities (CF)

With Strategic Objectives (Labels)

Existing Partnerships (updated in October 2022)
  1. French Ministry of Agriculture [Grant agreement + 1 Secondment]
  2. Spanish Ministry of Agriculture [Grant agreement + 1 Secondment]
  3. German Ministry of Agriculture (BLE) [2,5 secondments]
  4. CGIAR The Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT (IO) [MoA + Hosting agreement since 1.1.2021]
  5. GIZ (Germany) [Grant agreement 1.12.2021 to 31.03.2023]
  6. IRD (France) [Grant Agreement in 2020 & 2022]
  7. CIRAD (France) [0,4 Secondment]
  8. INRAE (France) [Office in Paris]
  9. IT2 (France Martinique) [1 yr.-Funding agreement signed on 20 June 2019]
  10. Occitanie Region (France) [Offices]
  11. AFRIS (Benin) [3 yr.-MoU signed on 1 Sept. 2021]
  12. AAA Adaptation of African Agriculture to Climate Change Initiative (Morocco) [5 yr.-MoU signed on 18 Feb. 2022]
  13. OIV International Organization of Vine and Wine (IO) [3 yr.-Mou signed on 6 April 2022]
  14. SaveSoil Isha Foundation (India) [3 yr.-MoU signed on 8 April 2022]
  15. FARM Foundation (France) [3 yr.-MoU signed on 14 Oct. 2022]
  16. Danone (France) [1 yr.-Funding agreement signed on 10 July 2019]
  17. McDonald's (France) [Invoice in 2021]
  18. IEVA-Elenature (France) [1 yr.-Funding agreement signed on 8 Sept. 2022]
  19. FAO, GSP Global Soil Partnership
  20. UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
  21. UNFSS 2021, CA4SH Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health
  22. UNFSS 2021, Coalition on Agroecology.


CF2Governance & Administration
CF3Advocacy & Awareness[C1] Advocacy & Awareness
[A6] Conceptual Framework
[C4] Branding & Certification

Soil Health Programs

[A1] NDCs
[B1] Investment Plans
CF5Networking & Collaboration

[A2] Project Development

[A3] Share Experiences
[A4] Stakeholder Interaction
[D1] Collaborative Platform
[D2] Regional Networks
CF6Partnerships & Alliances[D4] Partnerships & Alliances
[C3] Increased Investments
CF7Cross-Cutting Actions[F2] Resource Mobilization
[F3] "4 per 1000" Dashboard

Global Facilities and related Objectives, Task Forces, and Alliances

Purpose: To provide scientific and technical assistance to transformative action

Development: The formation of Alliances is inspired & monitored by Task Forces and facilitated by the "4 per 1000" Executive Secretariat.

Key actors: Anticipated key partners are Research organizations, international NGOs, and Companies

#Global Facilities (GF)

Strategic Objectives / Task Forces


AlliancesOn ongoing relevant initiatives
GF1Project Support[B2] Technology Database

[B3] GAFOLUP Helpdesk

[B4] MRV Tools

[E1] MRV Systems

GF2Carbon Markets[A5] Carbon Markets

GF3Transformative action[C2] Urge Soil Regeneration

[F1] Twin Regions

GF4Youth & Seniors[D3] Youth & Seniors

GF5Soil Health Observatory[E2] Soil Health Observatory

GF6Impact Assessment[E3] Impact Assessment

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