Title | Fighting striga and improving soil fertility with videos in Mali |
Link | https://agroinsight.com/downloads/Articles-Agricultural-Extension/2014_Striga-videos-in-Mali-FINAL.pdf |
Caption | |
Abstract | In 2011, ICRISAT and Agro-Insight made 10 farmer-to-farmer videos on the control of striga, a parasitic weed endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. As the weed can destroy entire cereal crops, particularly on poor soils, both striga and soil fertility management need to be tackled together, hence the need to develop this comprehensive "Fighting Striga" series. The videos have been translated into 21 languages and over 50,000 copies of the "Fighting Striga" DVD have been printed, with all 10 videos on it. In 2012 about 10,000 DVDs were distributed to over 300 organisations in Mali, with audio tracks in French, English and the major languages of Mali. In November of 2013, Jeff Bentley and Sidi Touré visited 27 of these organisations and 11 farmer groups in 10 villages. Twenty six of the 27 organisations visited had either distributed the videos, shown them to farmers or both. In all of the villages visited, farmers grasped the biology of the weed and experimented with various new practices, as a result of the information they learned. Compost-making, intercropping and micro-dosing (adding small amounts of fertiliser directly to the planting hole) were most commonly adopted. A better understanding of the biology of the parasitic weed also triggered communities to work together to hand-pull striga weeds, as they realised that only joint efforts would lead to lasting results. |
Keywords | striga, soil fertility, videos, Mali |
Authors | Jeffery Bentley, Paul Van Mele, Sidi Touré, Tom van Mourik |
Organization | Agro-Insight |
Source | https://agroinsight.com/downloads/Articles-Agricultural-Extension/2014_Striga-videos-in-Mali-FINAL.pdf |
Media | Company publication |
Format | article |
Target audience | Practitioners, Extension, Policymakers, Public, Scientists, Project managers, Decisionmakers |
Year | 2013 |
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4p1000 Partner | yes |
4p1000 Mention | no |
Comment | |
First name | Paul |
Family name | Van Mele |
paul@accessagriculture.org | |
Stand n° | 0156 |
Event n° | |
Contributor name | Savitri Mohapatra |
Contributor email | savitri@accessagriculture.org |
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