Title | The international Code of Conduct for the sustainable use and management of fertilizers |
Link | https://doi.org/10.4060/CA5253EN |
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Abstract | The International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers or Fertilizer Code was developed to increase food safety and the safe use of fertilizers. The Fertilizer Code aims to address issues of global importance, thereby contributing to the implementation of some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). It essentially provides a locally adaptable framework and a voluntary set of practices to serve the different stakeholders directly or indirectly involved with fertilizers. It is expected that these stakeholders will contribute to sustainable agriculture and food security from a nutrient management perspective, by adhering and help implementing the voluntary guidelines and recommendations provided. The Fertilizer Code is the result of a broad and intensive consultation process initiated in December 2017, unfolded until February 2019, as recommended by the Committee on Agriculture and finally endorsed by the 41st FAO Conference in June 2019. |
Keywords | fertilizer, nutrition, farmers, code |
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Source | FAO |
Media | Publication |
Format | Publication |
Target audience | Practitioners, Extension, Policymakers, Public, Scientists, Project managers, Decisionmakers |
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4p1000 Partner | not sure |
4p1000 Mention | not sure |
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Contributor name | FAO |
Contributor email | GSP-Secretariat@fao.org |
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