Title | Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management |
Link | https://www.fao.org/3/i6874en/I6874EN.pdf |
Caption | |
Abstract | The objectives of the VGSSM are: to present generally accepted, practically proven and scientifically based principles to promote SSM and to provide guidance to all stakeholders on how to translate these principles into practice, be it for farming, pastoralism, forestry or more general natural resources management. |
Keywords | soil, resources, guidelines, sustainable |
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Source | FAO |
Media | Publication |
Format | Publication |
Target audience | Practitioners, Extension, Policymakers, Public, Scientists, Project managers, Decisionmakers |
Year | |
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4p1000 Partner | not sure |
4p1000 Mention | not sure |
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Stand n° | 0133 |
Event n° | |
Contributor name | FAO |
Contributor email | GSP-Secretariat@fao.org |
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