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During COP25 in 2019, the 4p1000 Consortium event was held at the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture in Madrid. iGiveTrees presented the work of Brazilian field partners, sharing positive news from both the USA and Brazil about organic, regenerative reforestation and agroforestry projects.

iGiveTrees to Timburi - 2019-2020

500 trees donated by iGiveTrees to PRETATERRA were given to the municipality of Timburi, São Paulo to launch an agroforestry training and plantings  

10,000 trees were donated to the PRETATERRA teaching farm for planting during the pandemic in 2020.

8,000 Trees donated by iGiveTrees to Contour Lines in Guatemala 2020-2021

iGiveTrees 10th Anniversary Celebration - 2020

Planetary Health Alliance Festival 2021 - Environmental Art for 4p1000 & Project Drawdown were featured

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