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  1. Click on in the upper right corner of the page to open the editor.
  2. Copy the link to your YouTube video in the Excerpt box. (The Excerpt box will appear once the editor is open.)
  3. The system will instantaneously embed the link in a Widget.
  4. Click on Update in the lower right corner of the editor tosave your changes.

Meet Eva - a farming partner HomelandGreen working with for about three months going through the trial-and-error stageMeet Cheong Gor, an experienced farmer HomelandGreen partners with for more than 30 months, midway on the road towards regeneration

Meet Alice, a young environmentalist turned full-time farmer promoting regenerative farming

How did it all start?

An example in video of a free workshop given in 2021 – Introducing the microBIOMETER

Run small scale trials in schools

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