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Soil degradation and erosion are the root causes of stagnating or declining agricultural productivity and ecosystem services. Adopting good agricultural practices to control erosion is becoming increasingly urgent as climate change is leading to more erratic and intense rains than before. If we want to keep people on their land, we have to support healthy food systems that nurture the soil and keep it healthy and productive. 

Access Agriculture has a series of training videos to help farmers improve soil fertility (https://www.accessagriculture.org/category/150/soil-fertility-management). It has developed a last mile delivery model involving a growing network of young rural changemakers, known as “Entrepreneurs for Rural Access” (ERAs), who are equipped with a solar powered smart projector (containing all Access Agriculture farmer-training videos). 

The ERAs screen these training videos and make them available to rural communities in order to bring about a positive change in the lives of farmers, especially women and youth, as demonstrated in this booth focusing on ERA activities in Egypt.

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