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- Click on in the upper right corner of the page to open the editor.
- Fill out the table below.
- Indicate which days, starting at what time, and for how long you or a team member will be available via video chat to greet visitors, explain your work, and answer questions.
- You are free to set the dates according to your availability.
- You may update this table from time to time.
- Enter a double slash // to access the calendar and select the date.
- You can replace the default video chat link with another link (Zoom, MS Teams, or another Jitsi server).
- Add rows as needed. Position the cursor in the table and click to add a row.
- Click on Update in the lower right corner of the editor to save your changes.
Stand No | Time zone | +/-UTC | Date | Start local time (hh:mm) | Duration (hh:mm) | Attendant | Video chat link |
0154 | | ||||||
0154 | | ||||||
0154 | |