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  1. Don't worry. The warning below, No images found! will disappear once you have added images.


  3. To add images, drag and drop them into the upload area below.

  4. Reduce the size of the image to speed up loading and smooth display.
  5. Once uploaded, you may click on the small arrow to the left of an image to change its properties or delete it.

Purpose: A picture is worth a thousand words.


  1. Don't worry, the warning below "No images found!" will disappear once you have added images.
  2. Add images: Find the images on your computer using Explorer. Drag & Drop them onto this page. They will be automatically attached to the page and displayed in the gallery.
  3. Remove images: Click the Attachments icon (paperclip) at the top left of the page (or simply type "a") to display the list of attachments. You can change the properties of each attachment or delete it.

No images found!

Couldn't find any images to display. Attach some images to this page or search for images by label or page.

Depending on the size of your Confluence instance, you may also want to refresh the page, as it may take some time until the images appear.

  File Modified
JPEG File 15810722809_0c7a2bd899_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 25037558846_08a552bfda_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 25037596616_478dc4b55b_c(1).jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 25242566757_61d552454e_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 28332963759_f6cc6c9296_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 28332967649_48c7e47c24_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 29721099638_5b5141cabe_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 39401796494_d4efdaab96_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 40081065702_0b91ab12e2_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 40113789371_1c3d7c069f_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 41783178590_bd1711b1d7_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 41783224820_2d4484cf17_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard
JPEG File 41783286080_7edd009c86_c.jpg Apr 28, 2022 by Marc Bernard

  • No labels