5th SCAR Foresight Conference


15th December 2020, 9:00 – 13:00 (CET)

WebEx Conference in cooperation with the German Presidency

The great challenges of our century combined with recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic will require many changes – including in the way we produce and consume our food. This has a direct effect on our health, our environment and our society.

The EU has taken ambitious steps already, with a law to go carbon-neutral by 2050, and a panoply of new policies, programmes and legislation that will propel its Green Deal, Biodiversity, Farm to Fork and Circular Economy plans. But their ultimate success will depend heavily on European research and innovation (R&I) – and the new SCAR foresight report by a team of European experts outlines the steps ahead.

The special 5th  SCAR Foresight Exercise, initiated by the European Commission’s Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR), spells out how research and innovation in three specific fields – diets, diversity and circularity – can help speed social and economic progress. The report of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise Expert Group* on ‘Natural Resources and Food Systems: Transitions Towards a “Safe and Just” Operating Space’ will be published on 15 December 2020 at this German EU Presidency conference online from Berlin. Its conclusions support specific SCAR reflections for the next ambitious EU R&I programme, Horizon Europe, and working towards a declaration, as an outcome of the conference..

The SCAR Foresight Conference will focus on the publication of the 5th SCAR Foresight report (Gianluca Brunori). In addition, the SCAR reflection paper (Elke Saggau) will be presented as well as first reflections by SCAR Members. The event will form the basis for further SCAR Foresight activities planned for the next year.

The programme will include an opening address by Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General DG Research and Innovation; messages from the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, and the Portuguese Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Albuquerque and a keynote by Urs Niggli (Member of the Science Group for the UN World Food System Summit).

We invite SCAR Members, researchers, innovators, food system actors and citizens to join us to exchange and debate ideas on how Research and Innovation can accelerate the transition of food systems, and contribute to take conclusions from the 5th SCAR Foresight report. Please register at: https://scic.ec.europa.eu/ew/register/dgscic/5th_SCAR_Foresight_Conference_15_December_2020_Virtual/e/lk/g/20050/k/

It is co-organised by the European Commission  and the German EU Presidency.

Provisional agenda (version 03-12-2020)

Moderator: Pascal Bergeret, Director CIHEAM-IAMM, Montpellier

8:45 (CET):      Virtual Conference room opens, connecting time

9: 15-9: 30 h    Opening:         Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General, DG Research and Innovation

9: 30-9: 40 h    Welcome:        Julia Klöckner, German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture

9:40-09:50 h    Welcome:        Maria do Céu Albuquerque,Minister of Agriculture Portugal

09: 50-10:05 h Key Note on “Transitions” Urs Niggli, Member of the UN Food Systems Summit Science Group

10: 05-10: 25 h Presentation 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise Gianluca Brunori (Chair), Sébastien Treyer and the Foresight Experts

10: 25-10:45 h Presentation SCAR Reflection Paper Elke Saggau (Chair) & Stefano Grando and the SCAR Foresight Group

10:45-11:00 h   Discussion

11: 00-11: 15 h Break

11: 15-12: 45 h Panel discussion towards a “Berlin declaration” with SCAR Member States

First reflection

12: 45-13: 00 h Closure: Nathalie Sauze-Vandevyver, Director DG Agriculture and Rural Development

John Bell, Director DG Research and Innovation

All countries to prepare answer to the 2 questions (1 slide per question).  Answers will be collected and shared between all. The aim is to capitalize on these answers for further work during PT presidency.

8 Countries representatives of all SCAR "geography" will be invited to present orally (4 countries per question). All SCAR representatives will be invite to reflect during the time "slot" for this point on the agenda.

Question 1:

Please provide examples of national initiatives or activities illustrating one or more of the 7 cross-cutting issues highlighted in the Foresight? Could you please describe why they are good examples?

Question 2

Please provide examples of national policies and strategies illustrating one or more of the 3 transitions highlighted in the Foresight? Could you please describe why they are good examples

The virtual attendance space will be opened on 15 December at 8:45 (CET). The meeting will start at 9:15 with the opening speech and close at 13:00. Due to the high number of participants you will be able to communicate in the chat only. Your comments and questions will be made available to the moderator and the speakers.

All sessions will be web-streamed and presentations will be published after the event. Web streaming will be live at the link above on 15 December 2020 from 9:15 – 13:00 (CET).

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