We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Climate-Soil Community of Practice event, "Soil Stories"! This event will take place on 25 September at 12pm until 1:30 pm UTC+0 and offers a valuable platform for sharing innovative projects and activities that promote soil health.

Soil Stories will focus on projects, ideas, new developments of our members. It is intended to provide an opportunity for exchange and dialogue in between our members and friends. There will be presentations and afterwards room to ask questions, exchange and discuss. 

Preliminary Agenda



Samuel Ottnad 

"4 per 1000"
Introduction & Welcoming Words 

Miriam Kalkum 

GIZ Ethiopia
Soil rehabilitation in ethiopian lowlands using dry valley rehabilitation and productive use (DVRPU) approach

Bella Culotta



The Circular Bionutrient Economy Network, is a community of waste-recovery practitioners focused in Sub-Saharan Africa. CBEN brings together farmers, agri-industry, researchers, policy-makers, entrepreneurs and artists and more to work towards the joint vision of creating a waste-to-resource economy with biologically-sourced nutrients (excreta, composts, crop residues, etc). We see that the shift to bio-nutrient circularity goes beyond science and business to include everyone's understanding of their role in Nature ("body and soil") and the preservation of a viable planet.

Anand Ethirajalu

Conscious Planethttps://consciousplanet.org

Agriculture that saves soil

The on ground team in India will speak about how they have transitioned farmers to tree based agriculture

Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle

Saguna Rural Foundationhttps://sagunafoundation.ngo/

Showcase our work on Saguna Regenerative Technique (SRT) which is adopted by more than 7000 farmers in the state of Maharashtra (India) for 10 major crops making farmers happy mainly because the soil health has drastically improved which is responsible for higher productivity at lower cost of production.

Rajeev Baruah

 Beetle Regen Solutionshttps://www.beetleregen.com/

We are working with 70,000 farmers in India to build their capacities on regenerative agriculture and in the process of making efforts to increase soil organic carbon. We will give a presentation about our fist hand experiences of implementing sustainable farming practices and the impact on the soil.

Emma Hin

Mesh Impact www.mesh-impact.comA large scale regenerative agriculture food system project is under development in eastern part of Nepal and is going to be presented here
Samuel Ottnad"4 per 1000"
Closing remarks

Credit: Photos by Giorgina Smith (CIAT)

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