Type | Conference |
Title | Simposio de clausura del proyecto LIFE AMDRYC4 |
Organizer(s) | Universidad de Murcia (España). LIFE CLIMA |
Date |
Time | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Time zone | (GMT +01:00) Europe/Paris |
Duration | 5 hours |
Event location | Universidad de Murcia, Edificio Pleiades Campus Espinardo & on line (hybrid event) |
Country | Spain |
Description | LIFE16 PROJECT CCA/ES/000123 - LIFE AMDRYC4 The Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Murcia, as Coordinating Beneficiary, is pleased to invite you to the Closing Symposium of the LIFE AMDRYC4 project which will take place on 21 December, to present the results on "Adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean rainfed agriculture", to be held from 9 am, in the Pléyades Building - Multidisciplinary Research Centre, Espinardo Campus. Representatives of the partners of this project led by the University of Murcia, and funded by the LIFE programme of the European Commission, will present the main final results, after five years of work, and the value of its application in the processes of adaptation to climate change, which have been deduced from 4 living laboratories in experimental farms in the Region of Murcia. Among the options for adapting to climate change, in addition to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, the promotion of carbon sequestration and the prospects that the regulation of its certification will enable a new business model for agriculture, especially for rainfed agriculture, are particularly important. In this context, the LIFE AMDRYC4 project demonstrates, in a quantified manner, the potential of Mediterranean dryland agricultural soils as carbon sinks and providers of ecosystem services and biodiversity, which contribute directly to the development and maintenance of our rural environment. With regard to the proven ecosystem benefits, the sustainable management of water and the fight against desertification, phenomena whose risk is particularly increased in the southeast of Spain as a result of climate change, should be highlighted. Precisely the results of the Project have allowed our Community to lead the design of a strategy to combat desertification, potentially replicable in other affected Mediterranean regions. Proof of this is a Political Declaration on desertification, the approval of which will take place next February. I look forward to your physical or virtual presence. Murcia, 16 December 2022 Senena Corbalán García Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Murcia and María José Martínez Sánchez Emeritus Professor Emeritus Professor of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry |
Keywords | Adaptation to climate change in rainfed agriculture |
Web page | http://lifeamdryc4.eu/http |
Link to virtual meeting | https://umurcia.zoom.us/j/95463472576?pwd=QmZLT3k0MDVYcGY5dFYvSmowSXBNQT09#success |
First name | María José |
Last name | Martínez Sánchez |
mjose@um.es | |
Comment | Project Coordinator. Professor of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Professor Emeritus |
Stand n° | 0114 |
Restrictions | People working on mitigation, adaptation, ecosystem services, carbon sinks, agriculture, carbon trading. |
Title |
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