Purpose / Type of problemType 2 - Report a problem of Communication and Dialogue
Thematic areaArea 1 - Food and nutrition security | Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle
RegionWest Africa
Organization (full name)Go Africa
Organization acronym
Department / unit
Type of organizationNGO / CSO
Problem nameFall Armyworm (FAW)
Problem descriptionThe arrival and rapid spread of FAW in West and Central Africa is a major threat to agricultural productivity and food and nutritional security.
Problem ConsequencesAccording to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), some 18 million tonnes of maize are destroyed each year in Africa by the FAW, which would be enough to save tens of thousands of people from famine and which corresponds to an economic loss of 4.6 billion dollars.
Problem References
Affected group 1Farmers
Impact on group 1Farmers need significant support to fight the pest and protect crops.
Option group 1CORAF is currently implementing two projects : PAIRED and Biorisks, respectively, funded by the United Nations Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Union
Reach affected group 1Enhance global, regional, national and farmer-level coordination and collaboration on FAW control - further develop national structures on information management and dissemination.
Affected group 2
Impact on group 2
Option group 2
Reach affected group 2
Affected group 3
Impact on group 3
Option group 3
Reach affected group 3
Responsible group 1
Impact of group 1
Change group 1
Reach responsible group 1
Responsible group 2
Impact of group 2
Change group 2
Reach responsible group 2
Responsible group 3
Impact of group 3
Change group 3
Reach responsible group 3