Side Event - Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas Pavilion

Why soil matters!? Ways forward to a better climate and living

Side Event of the "4 per 1000" Initiative will take place at 9am - 10am

Moderator and Speakers:

WhatWhoOrganisation CountryConfirmed
ModeratorDr. Paul Luu"4p1000"
SpeakerPrecious / NN MexicoRegeneration AgricultureZimbabwe or Mexico
SpeakerDr. Beata MadiriEmbrapa
SpeakerDr. Cornerlia RumpelSTC 4p1000France

Maria B. Pilu GIRAUDO AapresidArgentina
ConclusionAbad CHABI INRAE

Concept Note:

Every human being on Earth needs to be fed every day in order to live. Tomorrow there will be almost 10 billion of people on a planet with enormous limits and threatened by thoughtless actions.

If we want to leave our children an agricultural land capable not only of providing our food today, but also of tomorrow, there is one capital more important than any other: the soil, a living soil.

Since the birth of the international Initiative "4 per 1000: Soils for Food Security and Climate", launched during COP 21 in Paris in December 2015, things have started to move in the right direction.

The international Initiative "4 per 1000" aims to demonstrate that agricultural soils can play a crucial role in food security and climate change. It consists of bringing together all voluntary actors from the public and private sectors and has more tan 700 partners who are invited to raise awareness and implement concrete actions for soil carbon storage.

The international Initiative "4 per 1000" could help humankind to find another way, little explored yet,  with greener solutions more in tune with nature and allowing every human being to meet their vital needs. 

Latin America and the Caribbean account for 14% of the world's food production. His new regional mission is to drive the necessary transformation of agri-food systems to feed 10 billion people by 2050.

For this to happen, it will be necessary to increase agricultural productivity through sustainable agrifood systems with safe and healthy diets, greater water efficiency, soil regeneration and carbon storage, less greenhouse gases, preservation of tropical forests and biodiversity, and greater equity for small farmers, indigenous people, rural youth and women.