Please contact Emma Crasnier ( from Soil Heroes Foundation if you are want to co-sign the open letter below.


It may not be unfamiliar to you that at the end of next week is the start of the COP26 conference.

At COP21 in Paris in 2015, participating countries have committed to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) setting out how they would reduce their emissions.

Each country will bring their updated plans for reducing emissions and combatting climate change to COP26. But so far, the NDCs have fallen far short of the mark in reaching the 1.5°C target. COP26 needs to be the moment that governments commit to going further to secure a safer future for the planet and for us all.

Soil Health ought to be central in the plans for all NDCs; as a means for sequestering carbon whilst also producing food on the land in their country. But it isn’t.

Currently, the COP26 agenda only refers to “building resilient agriculture”, “moving to sustainable agriculture and land use” or “encouraging countries to include nature-based solutions in their climate plans”, but there is no precise definition about what that means concretely and no mention of the expected tangible outcomes.

We have written an Open Letter, addressed to the President and CEO of COP26, demanding that they include building soil health and transitioning to regenerative agriculture on a global scale higher up on the agenda of the conference. We will release this Open Letter on our social media the day before the start of the conference.

While attention towards climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions will be at an all-time high, this is our opportunity to make our voice heard.

We are mobilizing our expert and extensive network of partners and like-minded organizations to co-sign this open letter.


  1. glad to sign

    Klaus Mager

    Sector Leader Agriculture

    Business Climate Leaders


    1. Please contact Emma Crasnier ( from Soil Heroes Foundation if you are want to co-sign the open letter below.

  2. Anonymous

    Happy to sign!

    Daniel Baertschi, President

    Agricultura Regeneratio Association, Switzerland

  3. Anonymous

    Where can I sign,  I'd do it a million times over if I could.

    1. Please contact Emma Crasnier ( from Soil Heroes Foundation if you are want to co-sign the open letter below.

  4. Anonymous

    Nice to contribute. Where can I sign?

  5. Very happy to sign this
    David Morrison

    1. Please contact Emma Crasnier ( from Soil Heroes Foundation if you are want to co-sign the open letter below.

  6. Regeneration International fully supports this and is happy to sign. Please put us down as a signatory

    André Leu

    International Director

    1. Anonymous

      Nous partageons le même point de vue et je suis pour la signature de la lettre

      1. Anonymous

        Nous patagons le même point de vue et je suis partant pour la signature de la lettre. Mahamadou Hamiodu

  7. Anonymous

    Will be very much willing to do so, if the world is to change

  8. Anonymous


    nous sommes très ravis de signer votre proposition de collaboration.

    Pour nous  Valazomby, on est prêt sur le travail dans le cadre de la santé de sol

    pour l'alimentation et de l’environnement en créant l’exploitation carbone de terre et de la forêt

    pour créer une nouvelle ressource financière.

  9. Anonymous

    We  are happy to sign

    David Newman

    Managing Director


  10. Anonymous

    I ready and happy to sign

  11. Nous ravis de signer cette lettre.



    Coordinateur d'ADIF 

  12. Nous sommes ravis de signer cette lettre



    Coordinateur d'ADIF

  13. Bonjour à tous,

    Nous sommes heureux de signé cette lettre.


    Kadidia Hassane Soumana

    Coordonnatrice Nationale de l’ONG Labizey Hallassa "Lutte pour le bien-être des populations"

  14. I am willing to sign this letter. Claire Chenu