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Creation of Task Forces - Title
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4STRAT:Goal A - Initiation & conceptualization
4STRAT:Goal A - Initiation & conceptualization

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4STRAT:Objective A1 - NDC
4STRAT:Objective A1 - NDC

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Facilitate the emergence and ensure the feasibility of methodologies, tools and recommendations that foster stakeholders' ability to implement the Initiative on the ground



Baseline 202020302050A1-Nationally Determined Contributions

Ensure that the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of all UNFCCC country Parties contain references to soil health and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), and that they are taken into account in their sustainable agriculture development programs.

In 2019, out of 196 countries' NDCs, only 13 refer to SOC in relation to agricultural mitigation targets or adaptation actions, and 20 refer to peatlands or wetlands in relation to such targets. A further 3 NDCs refer to soil carbon without clear linkages to targets.

Enlist 100 % of country parties at the UNFCCC, members or partners of the "4 per 1000" Initiative.
In 2050, ensure that, globally, 100% of all UNFCCC country Parties include Soil Health and SOC in their NDCs and development programs. Expand
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Baseline 202020302050A2-Projects

Foster the emergence of innovative projects centered on soil health and in line with "4 per 1000" ambition and with the help of the set of indicators and criteria for formative project assessment elaborated by the STC.

A call-for-project 2020 introduced with a wider base of contacts and a targeted timing.

5 to 10 high quality projects selected

10 to 20 high quality impact based projects selected and implemented on the ground.50 high quality impact based projects selected and implemented on the ground.

A2 - Project Development
4STRAT:Objective A2 - Project Development


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4STRAT:Objective A3 - Share Experiences
4STRAT:Objective A3 - Share Experiences

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Taskforce A2-ProjectsTaskforce A2-Projects



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Baseline 202020302050A3-Success StoriesShare relevant emerging ideas, innovations and success stories from all stakeholders (bottom-up and top-down approaches)
1 study/review per year.5 studies/reviews per year.10 studies/reviews per year.

A4 - Stakeholder Interaction
4STRAT:Objective A4 - Stakeholder Interaction

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4STRAT:Objective A5 - Carbon markets
4STRAT:Objective A5 - Carbon markets

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4STRAT:Objective A6 - Conceptual Framework
4STRAT:Objective A6 - Conceptual Framework

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4STRAT:Goal B - Implementation
4STRAT:Goal B - Implementation

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4STRAT:Objective B1 - Investment Plans
4STRAT:Objective B1 - Investment Plans

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4STRAT:Objective B2 - Technology Database
4STRAT:Objective B2 - Technology Database

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4STRAT:Objective B3 - GAFOLUP Helpdesk
4STRAT:Objective B3 - GAFOLUP Helpdesk

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4STRAT:Objective B4 - MRV Tools
4STRAT:Objective B4 - MRV Tools

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4STRAT:Goal C - Promotion
4STRAT:Goal C - Promotion

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4STRAT:Objective C1 - Advocacy & Awareness
4STRAT:Objective C1 - Advocacy & Awareness

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4STRAT:Objective C2 - Urge Soil Regeneration
4STRAT:Objective C2 - Urge Soil Regeneration

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4STRAT:Objective C3 - Increased investments
4STRAT:Objective C3 - Increased investments

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4STRAT:Objective C4 - Branding & Certification
4STRAT:Objective C4 - Branding & Certification

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4STRAT:Goal D - Collaboration
4STRAT:Goal D - Collaboration

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4STRAT:Objective D1 - Collaborative Platform
4STRAT:Objective D1 - Collaborative Platform

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4STRAT:Objective D2 - Regional Networks
4STRAT:Objective D2 - Regional Networks

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4STRAT:Objective D3 - Youth & Seniors
4STRAT:Objective D3 - Youth & Seniors

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4STRAT:Objective D4 - Partnerships & Alliances
4STRAT:Objective D4 - Partnerships & Alliances

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4STRAT:Goal E - Follow Up
4STRAT:Goal E - Follow Up

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4STRAT:Objective E1 - MRV Systems
4STRAT:Objective E1 - MRV Systems

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4STRAT:Objective E2 - Soil Health Observatory
4STRAT:Objective E2 - Soil Health Observatory

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4STRAT:Objective E3 - Impact Assessment
4STRAT:Objective E3 - Impact Assessment

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4STRAT:Goal F - Crosscutting Actions
4STRAT:Goal F - Crosscutting Actions

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4STRAT:Objective F1 - Twin Regions
4STRAT:Objective F1 - Twin Regions

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4STRAT:Objective F2 - Resource Mobilization
4STRAT:Objective F2 - Resource Mobilization

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4STRAT:Objective F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard
4STRAT:Objective F3 - "4 per 1000" Dashboard

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Facilitate the emergence and ensure the feasibility of methodologies, tools and recommendations that foster stakeholders' ability to implement the Initiative on the ground



Baseline 202020302050A1-Nationally Determined Contributions

Ensure that the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of all UNFCCC country Parties contain references to soil health and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), and that they are taken into account in their sustainable agriculture development programs.

In 2019, out of 196 countries' NDCs, only 13 refer to SOC in relation to agricultural mitigation targets or adaptation actions, and 20 refer to peatlands or wetlands in relation to such targets. A further 3 NDCs refer to soil carbon without clear linkages to targets.

Enlist 100 % of country parties at the UNFCCC, members or partners of the "4 per 1000" Initiative.
In 2050, ensure that, globally, 100% of all UNFCCC country Parties include Soil Health and SOC in their NDCs and development programs.A2-Projects

Foster the emergence of innovative projects centered on soil health and in line with "4 per 1000" ambition and with the help of the set of indicators and criteria for formative project assessment elaborated by the STC.

A call-for-project 2020 introduced with a wider base of contacts and a targeted timing.

5 to 10 high quality projects selected

10 to 20 high quality impact based projects selected and implemented on the ground.50 high quality impact based projects selected and implemented on the ground.A3-Success StoriesShare relevant emerging ideas, innovations and success stories from all stakeholders (bottom-up and top-down approaches)
1 study/review per year.5 studies/reviews per year.10 studies/reviews per year.A4-InterfacesEnhance the interfaces "science and practice" (R&D) for policy makers, scientists and producers

1 global (online) meeting a year

1 periodical note a year.

5 regional (online) meetings a year

2 to 3 periodical notes a year.

5 regional (online) meetings a year

5 periodical notes a year.

A5-Carbon Markets

Screen, compile and share the best Carbon market mechanisms and compensation schemes on C sequestration

The 3 to 5 best compensation schemes, available in 2020, summarized and presented to members and partners of the Initiative.Selection of the "4 per 1000" "certified" compensation scheme for adoption and implementation in the 5 regional levels, for agricultural lands and forests.Global use of the "4 per 1000" "certified" compensation scheme by farmers and foresters.A6-Reference Framework

Develop a scientific reference framework including socio-economic aspects (research programs, international scientific cooperation and STC) that shows the potential of soil health contributing to carbon sequestration resulting in a positive carbon balance in AFOLU systems.

Start a multi-stakeholder discussion.

Contribution to CIRCASA project and inception of the IRC.

A scientific reference framework and used.A scientific reference framework updated and used.


Foster enabling environment and/or framework (business model, trustworthy third-party, tutoring, mentoring, amplify impact, scaling up) for implementation on the ground



Baseline 202020302050B1-Investment Plans

Encourage the development and implementation of national and/or supranational strategies (including incentive and regulatory mechanisms) and responsible investment plans for soil health derived from the NDCs' targets.

Inventory of strategies and investments plans existing as of 2020.

50% of the UNFCCC country Parties = 98 countries.100% of the UNFCC country Parties = 196 countries.
B2-Capacity Development

Facilitate access to information and capacity development for land managers, in particular women, on how to improve soil health and increase SOC content for all agro-pedo-climatic regions.

Database of good practices on SOC management and capacity development delivered to one region and its sub-regions, as of 2021. Ex: Africa could be the 1st targeted area.

Development of the basis of the database with some major partners.

Database of good practices on SOC management and capacity development delivered in 2 additional regions like Asia and South America. Reviews and assessments conducted every year.Database of good practices on SOC management and capacity development delivered globally.B3-GAFOLUP Helpdesk

Develop and implement science-based regional helpdesks for :

(a) the planning of local actions on good AFOLU management practices

(b) the establishment and use of compensation schemes for carbon sequestration

(c) provision of ecosystem services at appropriate levels (principle of subsidiarity)

Help-desk active in one region as of 2021.Help-desk active in 5 regions.Help-desk active globally with more countries and sub-regions involved.B4-MRV Tool-Kit

Develop a user-friendly online toolkit (including verified assessment and monitoring tools) on soil health and soil organic carbon.

Collection of existing tools and experts.

Compile and launch an online tool-box that will be improved continuously.

Actors in 40 countries use 20% of the tools of the box.

Actors in all countries use 40% of the tools of the box.


Raise awareness and advocacy, build trust, encourage partnerships, engagements and commitments of all stakeholders



Baseline 202020302050C1-Advocacy & Awareness

Advocate for soil health and the importance of soils for climate and food security and raise the general awareness  on the central role of the "4 per 1000" Initiative

In 2020, no measurement of the assisted-awareness of the "4 per 1000" brand is available. Measurement to be conducted.

100% of assisted awareness-notoriety for the "4 per 1000" brand.100% of spontaneous awareness-notoriety for the "4 per 1000" brand.C2-Soil Regeneration

Promote the paradigm shift from "soil exploitation" to "soil regeneration" through agroecology and sustainable land management practices at the level of producers and businesses along value chains.

Globally, contact 10% to 15% of farmer associations / federations per region.

Contact the Top 20 global Food businesses involved in Ag. and or Forestry.

Contact 100% of farmer associations per region.

Contact the Top 50 global Food businesses involved in Ag. and or Forestry.

Contact the Top 20 regionally.

Reach regionally, 100% of smallholder farmers and family-held farms. 

Contact the Top 100 global Food businesses involved in Ag. and or Forestry.


Convince policy makers and funders to increase commitments and investments in AFOLU in favor of soil health and carbon sequestration.

The Top 20* institutions contacted end of 2020.

* Refering to the 2018 study about potential funders

In 2030, the Top 80* institutions have been reached.In 2050, every single policy maker or funder have been contacted.C4-Branding & CertificationDevelop and implement "4 per 1000" branding mechanisms (seals, certification, awards, etc), as a benchmark for soil health and SOC build-up

Study on interests and conditions to develop "4 per 1000" branding mechanisms.

Decision upon the branding mechanisms to select to improve the "4 per 1000' branding (target / audience / tools & purpose to be further defined).

Put the tools to be developed, on a timeline.

"4 per 1000" branding mechanisms fully operational."4 per 1000" branding mechanisms assessed, updated and fully operational.


implement an online collaborative platform that facilitates and supports interaction between partners, with powerful tool box, business plan and knowledge management strategy



Baseline 202020302050D1-PlatformFacilitate, encourage, enhance and strengthen collaborations and exchanges among stakeholders within and around the Initiative 

Collaborative platform 2.0 fully operational for the Secretariat, the STC and the Bureau.

End of 2021/22, platform fully operational for all members and partners.

Collaborative platform 2.0 fully operational for all members and partners of the "4 per 1000" Initiative.Collaborative platform fully operational.D2-OutreachContribute to the inception, development and outreach of regional networks

1 to 2 "4 per 1000"regional meetings organized every year

5 regional meetings organized every year or every two years5 regional meetings organized every yearD3-Mobilize Youth & Seniors

Mobilize youth & senior networks on agriculture and forestry that support producers and local action groups in their transition to agro-ecology, including sustainable land management practices.

Define the most active youth & senior networks in each of the 5 regions. Contact the most active ones, globally.Active partnership with regional youth & senior networks in the 5 "4 per 1000" regions.Active partnership with regional youth & senior networks in the 5 "4 per 1000" regions.D4-Strategic Partnerships

Develop strategic partnerships and coalitions with relevant global networks and Initiatives.

Refer to the 2018 study about potential funders. Reach 20% of the most relevant global networks, Initiatives.

Sign a partnership with 10 to 20 of them.Partnership with 50 of the most relevant and global networks, Initiatives.


Establish an international science based framework recognized by all stakeholders for the assessment of impact through Monitoring, Reporting & Verification



Baseline 202020302050E1-Monitoring, Reporting and Verification

Screen and evaluate monitoring tools (remote sensing, database, sensors, etc) and methodologies that estimate state and change of soil organic carbon content at various scales

Identification of the 5 major players.Complete overview of the 20 major players and their methods of screen monitoring tools."4 per 1000" catalog about all the methods of screen monitoring tools.E2-Soil MonitoringMonitor independently, and in near real time, SOC and soil health at the global, regional and national levels

Identification of the 5 major players.

Inception of the real-time SOC monitoring dashboard.

Real-time SOC monitoring dashboard operational.Real-time SOC monitoring dashboard adopted at regional and sub-regional scales.E3-Impact AssessmentContribute to the improvement of impact assessment tools (EX-ACT (Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool); CBP (Carbon Benefits Project) tool, etc) in line with the ambition of the "4 per 1000" Initiative, including socio-economic dimensions.

Contact and explore possible collaboration with the developers of existing tools.

Collaboration with 2 developers of the impact assessment tools.Collaboration with 4 developers of impact assessment tools.


Highlight the pertinence of the "4 per 1000" Initiative by initiating and supporting concrete and result-oriented actions on the ground and increase resource mobilization to ensure the long-term viability of the Initiative.



Baseline 202020302050


Launch a pilot project based on "Twin-Regions" concept for large scale climate actionsLaunch a twin pilot project that verifies the relevance of the "Twin-Regions" concept for large scale climate actions in 24 municipalities in 3 distinct regions in Europe (Germany, France and Spain) and Africa (DRC, Benin, Mali).Adoption of twin-regions concept in municipalities of 20 countries.Adoption of twin-regions concept in municipalities in all countries.F2-Resource MobilizationEnhance Resource Mobilization to ensure the long term viability of the Initiative

Total annual budget 2020: 961 K Euros

(including core budget of 721 K Euros)

Manage a 2 to 5 million Euros budget.Manage a 10 to 20 million Euros budget.F3-DashboardProvide a "4 per 1000" dashboard delivering near real time quantitative information on progress of the Initiative, taking into account partners and members and their actionsDevelop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as a baseline.

By the end of 2021 the dashbord will be operational and regularly updated.

In 2025 the dashboard will be recognized as an international standard.

Dashboard is generally and internationally used as a reference by the community of practitioners.