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Invitation to Climate-Soil Community of Practice event on 4th October

Date: 4 October 2021

Time: 4 – 5:30 CEST

Hosts: “4 per 1000” Initiative and GIZ

Venue: Microsoft Teams (Click here, to join the meeting) (no registration needed



Dear Member of the


Community of Practice,

We hope this email finds you well!

Working towards the community’s mission to strengthen the network of a climate-soil nexus,

to disseminate experiences of best practices on SLM and soil carbon projects and to bridge

the gap between scientific evidence and on the ground implementation we would like to

invite you to our next meeting:


                            Climate-Soil Community of Practice Meeting

When:                04 October 2021 4 pm CEST

Where:               Via MS Teams

What:                 Presentation and debate with experts on the use of incentives for Sustainable

                             Land Management (SLM)

We will send more details shorty.

Mutual Update on Soil-Carbon Related News

Also, we would like to invite you to share information that you deem relevant to

the group (events, studies, papers and articles) and/or examples of successful

soil carbon related projects in countries of the global South. It would be great

if you could send us your input as a response to this email by 20 October 2021.

Based on the information coming out of the community we will curate and

circulate an update message on soil-carbon related events and studies to all

members of the Climate-Soil Community of Practice. Additionally, that

information will be made accessible to all members permanently on our digital


Last but not least: Do not hesitate to get in touch and let us know if you have questions,

feedback or suggestions about the development of this network.

We look forward to hearing from you!

we would like to invite you to our next CoP event at 4 October 2021, which is jointly organised by 4per1000 and GIZ. Together with our guests, we would like to explore the question: Which incentive instruments exist to encourage farmers to adopt SLM practices and how can they be addressed in a project context?

We have the pleasure to have the following experts with us for presentations and subsequent discussions with the audience:

We are looking forward to an interesting exchange with you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Your Climate-Soil Community of Practice Team

Background Information

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Additional information on the speakers

Ph. D. Valeria Piñeiro (IFPRI):

Dr. Valeria Piñeiro is a Senior Research Coordinator in the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Her recent work includes modeling the impacts of agricultural support policies on emissions from agriculture and reviewing the evidence on incentives for adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and their outcomes. She has significant experience working in the areas of economic development and growth using General Equilibrium Models (CGE) as an analytical tool and has for the last several years led courses in many countries teaching the theory and application of CGE models. She is also a faculty member at the Applied Economics Master’s Program in the Johns Hopkins University. Valeria received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland.

Link to her bio/ publications/ CV:
Valeria Piñeiro | IFPRI : International Food Policy Research Institute

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Marc Eberle (Executive Director of Smart Agro):

Marc Eberle has been living and working in Southeast Asia since January 2002. He has been making award winning documentary films in the region for international broadcasters as well as helped to set up Cambodia’s largest private television station CTN as producer and trainer of the local staff. As artistic director for DocNet SEA, he has curated ChopShots international Documentary Film Festival in Jakarta as well as organised workshops, masterclasses and round tables between filmmakers, funders, industry professionals and government representatives in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam.
Marc studied agro-ecology at Montpellier SupAgro and has combined his filmmaking skills with agricultural knowledge by producing educational films about regenerative farming since 2012.

SmartAgro designs innovative cropping systems, regenerate soils, and make crop and livestock production more resilient against climate change and market fluctuation.

Link to SmartAgro:
Link to article about project, that he is presenting:
ASSET: towards more sustainable agrifood systems in Southeast Asia | Cirad


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Dr Leigh Ann Winowiecki

Dr Leigh Ann Winowiecki is a Soil Systems Scientist at World Agroforestry (ICRAF) based in Nairobi, Kenya.

The overarching goal of the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)  is to improve soil health globally by addressing critical implementation, monitoring, policy, and public and private investment barriers that constrain farmers from adopting and scaling healthy soil practices. 

1)          Read about the niche of the Coalition:

2)          Check out the CA4SH UNFSS video:

3)          Partners can still join the Coalition by contacting: Leigh Winowiecki ( and 2) Registering their commitment in the UNFSS online registry for the Coalition:
