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English (US)

Dear Members of the Consortium,

we would like to consult you by this electronic mean on the following three items : election of new members of the Bureau, nomination of new members of the STC, and nomination of two honorary Vice-Presidents.

We need your approval for those important decisions concerning the life of our Initiative.

The Bureau already considered those questions and agrees to propose them for your choice and validation.

Thank you to take the time to express your voice, it will take you less than 10 minutes to look at the documents and vote.

Best regards

Dr. Paul LUU, Executive Secretary.


Chers Membres du Consortium,

nous souhaitons vous consulter par voie électronique sur les trois points suivants : élection de nouveaux membres du Bureau, nomination de nouveaux membres du CST, et nomination de deux vice-présidents d'honneur.

Nous avons besoin de votre approbation pour ces décisions importantes concernant la vie de notre Initiative.

Le Bureau s'est déjà penché sur ces questions et accepte de les proposer à votre choix et à votre validation.

Merci de prendre le temps d'exprimer votre voix, il vous faudra moins de 10 minutes pour consulter les documents et voter.

Meilleures salutations

Dr Paul LUU, Secrétaire exécutif.


Estimados Miembros del Consorcio

nos gustaría consultarles por este medio electrónico sobre los tres puntos siguientes: elección de nuevos miembros de la Mesa, nombramiento de nuevos miembros del STC y nombramiento de dos Vicepresidentes honorarios.

Necesitamos su aprobación para estas importantes decisiones relativas a la vida de nuestra Iniciativa.

La Mesa ya ha estudiado estas cuestiones y está de acuerdo en proponerlas para su elección y validación.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de expresar su voz, le llevará menos de 10 minutos consultar los documentos y votar.

Saludos cordiales

Dr. Paul LUU, Secretario Ejecutivo.

English (US)

Election of new members for the Bureau of the Initiative

We received the following candidatures for membership for the Bureau of the Initiative:



Élection de nouveaux membres du Bureau de l'Initiative

Nous avons reçu les candidatures suivantes pour le Bureau de l'Initiative :


Elección de nuevos miembros de la Mesa de la Iniciativa

Hemos recibido las siguientes candidaturas para la Mesa de la Iniciativa:

titleClick here to vote on the candidates.

Easy Form
nameSelection of new members of the Bureau

Selection of new members of the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of the Initiative

Two positions at the STC are currently open, one previously occupied by Dr. Cornelia RUMPEL (a Lady from European country) and Dr. Yasuhito SHIRATO (a gentleman from Asian country).
We received 27 candidatures.
In order to respect the gender issue and a global balance of geographical origin, in addition to scientific competencies consideration, an Ad Hoc Selection Committee composed with high-level international Scientific personnalities narrowed it down to the following five candidates for your consideration:
Position 1 

Position 2 

titleClick here to vote on the candidates.

Easy Form
nameSelection of new members of the STC

Nomination of Honorary Vice-Presidents

We kindly ask for your approval of the two following nominees for the newly introduced position of Honorary Vice-President of the "4 per 1000" Initiative.

Both personnalities played an important role in the Initiative by the past, and would like to continue to do so under this new voluntary and unpaid position (as all Presidency positions):

    • Dr. Wolfgang Zornbach
    • Ms. Gabrielle Bastien

titleClick here to approve the nominees.

Easy Form
nameApproval of Honorary Vice-Presidents