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"Let's put Soil Health higher on the international agenda & Act together now!"


9:00 to 14:00 (UAE time): 8th FORUM meeting

Chair of the 7th Day of the international «4 per 1000»Initiative: Mrs. Gabrielle Bastien

Chair of the Forum: Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, President of the international «4 per 1000»Initiative, Mayor of Le Mans city and former Minister of Agriculture (France)

[9:00 to 12:30  (UAE time):Opening of the Forum with a High-Level Segment

  • Welcome speech by Mr. Stéphane Le Foll (5 minutes) video
  • WeIcome address by Mrs. Gabrielle Bastien (5 minutes) on site
  • Inaugural session - Welcome address through speeches from Officials (15 minutes)
  • Inspirational presentation (30 minutes) on site by/on :
    • Mr. John LIU (CommonLand)
  • VIP speeches (3 minutes per speaker - only presential and live Zoom - video will be added to the version available on YouTube)
  • The floor is open to the various colleges of the Forum to express their views on how to reach the objective of "Let's put Soil Health higher on the international agenda & Act together now" (35 minutes)
    • Session 1: Importance of MRV tools (Monitoring, reporting and Verification) for implementation in the field at all level:  (30 minutes) on site
      • Study conducted by Deloitte for the "4 per 1000"
      • GENESIS approach
      • Soil in Formation Device
      • FAO Tools (NEXT, ABC Map and AURORA)
    • Session 2: Act on the regional level - results of the 3 regional conference of the "4 per 1000" in 2023: (20 minutes) on site
      • West Africa sub-regional Workshop on future of forest soils (Abidjan - May)
      • North Europe sub-regional conference (Helsinki - June)
      • Asia and Pacific regional Conference (Hyderabad - September)
    • Open discussionthe floor is open to the various Stakeholder Groups (Collèges) (Countries and International Organizations, Farmer Organizations, NGOs, Scientific Institutions, Businesses) (15 minutes)

[12:30 to 14:00 UAE time] Partners’ Forum Meeting

  • Adoption of the Agenda – Mrs. Gabrielle Bastien (2 minutes)
  • Approval of the Forum Report No. 7 (Sharm El-Sheikh, 16 November 2022) – Mrs. Gabrielle Bastien (3 minutes)
  • The 2022-2023 «4 per 1000» Annual Activity ReportDr Paul Luu, «4 per 1000»Executive Secretary (10 minutes) 
  • The 2022-2023 «4 per 1000» STC (Scientific and Technical Committee) Activity Report and the STC 6 year-Activity ReportDr Beverley Henry, Co-Chair of the «4 per 1000»STC (10 minutes)
  • The «4 per 1000» Implementation Plan - situation in 2023 (45 minutes) – The «4 per 1000» Executive Secretariat
    • Dashboard draftDr Paul Luu, the «4 per 1000» Ex-Sec. team (5 minutes)
    • Situation of the Task Forces work for the implement the "4 per 1000" Strategic Plan 2050 Ms. Claudia Schepp / Mr. Marc Bernard, the «4 per 1000» Ex-Sec. team (10 minutes)
  • Comments and Discussion (30 minutes)
  • Conclusion of the ForumMrs. Gabrielle Bastien (5 minutes)

If you have any questions or are in need of assistance you can either leave a comment or you can contact us directly via 
