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Tuesday, April 27 - 13:00-15:15 hrs CEST

Session 1:

  1. Welcome note and setting the scene by 4p1000/GIZ (15 minutes)
  2. Workshop presentation on Carbon Benefits Project and LandPKS (1 hour, led by Eleanor Milne, Colorado State University)
  3. Workshop presentation on Monitoring using the SALM approach and integration in national monitoring programs (Georges Kuate, REDD+ consultant in Burkina Faso). French language with translation into English.

Wednesday, April 28 - 13:00-15:00 hrs CEST

Session 2:

  1. Workshop presentation on CarbASIA-Project  Carbon Storage Assessment for the Country Kyrgyzstan through Sampling of Representative Land Units (1 hour, led by Judith Walter and Klaus Eisenack Margarete Korintenberg, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) 
  2. WorkWorkshop presentation  on CarbASIA-Project 2 (1 hour  Interaction with and Support to National Institutions in the Field of LDN Reporting (1 hour, led by Klaus Eisenack, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) 

Thursday, April 29 - 13:00-14:30 hrs CEST

Session 3:

  1. Workshop presentation on Land Degradation Surveillance Framework  Landscape Scale Assessments of soil Organic Carbon and other Key Indicators of Land and Soil Health (1 hour, led by Leigh Ann Winowiecki, World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF) 
  2. Final wrap-up of the workshop by 4p1000/GIZ (15 minutes)
  3. Q&A on next steps for the CoP (15 minutes)
